e+e-  J/y (cc) at s≈10.6 GeV


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Presentation transcript:

e+e-  J/y (cc) at s≈10.6 GeV _ e+e-  J/y (cc) at s≈10.6 GeV QWG 2004 Worksop IHEP Beijing S.L. Olsen (U of Hawai’i) Representing elle

Pinch-hitting for (visaless) Henryk Palka INS Krakow

2001: Belle & BaBar report on e+e-J/y X @s≈10.6 GeV BaBar: PRL 87, 162002 Belle: PRL 88,052001 L =21 fb-1 L =32 fb-1 ZZZZ PJ/y(GeV/c) PJ/y(GeV/c)

2002: look in detail at MX Pasha Pakhlov ITEP-Moscow


4 surprizes! select J/yl+l- + >2 chrgd trks no signal for MX<Mhc clear hc, cc0 & hc’ signals s(e+e-  J/y hc) > 10x theory s(e+e-  J/y cc s(e+e-  J/y all) L=101 fb-1 ‘ hc hc cc0 * ** =0.6 ± 0.2 *E.Braaten & J. Lee PRD 67, 054007 (2003) “no unknown non-perturbative parameters” K.Abe et al (Belle) PRL 89, 142001 **NRQCD predicts this to be ≈ 0.1

Possibilities “hc” peak has some contamination from e+e- ggJ/yJ/y Bodwin, Lee & Braaten PRL 90, 162001 The “hc” peak has some glueball content (in addition to charmonium) Brodsky, Goldhaber & Lee PRL 91, 112001 Dulat, Hagiwara & Lin hep-ph/04022230

2003 Infer DMrecoil(J/y)<3 MeV Check recoil mass scale using e+e- g y(2S) p+p- J/y Mx (p+p-J/y) Infer DMrecoil(J/y)<3 MeV

2003: Fit for J/y J/y (+ other) components hc ‘ L=155 fb-1 cc0 hc

No significant contamination from e+e-  gg  J/y J/y

Angular distributions are consistent with charmonium expectations 2003: Angular distributions are consistent with charmonium expectations l+ J/y qhel qprod X J/y e- e+ glueball prediction: 1 - 0.9cos2q 1 + 0.9 cos2q

Try to reconstruct hcKSKp, or 4K Find 3 events expect 2.6 MC  No ISR b  ISR >10MeV

“hc” peak looks like an hc & not like a glueball

2003: look at e+e- y(2S) X hc ‘ cc0 hc similar pattern

Theory (Braaten & Lee) : <2.3±1 fb Cross sections Theory (Braaten & Lee) : <2.3±1 fb

2004: more data, more surprizes! L= 287 fb -1

Summary Continuum e+e-  J/y X is full of surprizes s(e+e- J/y hc) > 10 x theory e+e-  gg  J/y J/y contamination is small No evidence for e+e- J/y glueball e+e-J/y cc/e+e-J/y X ≈ 0.6 ± 0.2 many times expecations evidence for a new charmonium-like state Mx continuum turns on near Mx≈Mhc

Belle’s experience more data more surprizes

Backup Slides

Look at e+e-J/y D(D(*)) Reconstruct a J/y & a D use D0K-p+ & D+K-p+p+ Determine recoil mass

Look at M(DD(*)) cc0 DD* ‘ hc DD “ 9.9 ± 3.3 evts (4.5 s) DD* DD 3940 MeV 9.9 ± 3.3 evts (4.5 s) DD* cc0 DD* ‘ DD 4.1 ± 2.2 evts (2.1 s) hc DD “

Select regions of cosqprod(hel) and then fit Mx distributions

- 2004 ‘ non-zero continuum below DD threshold 4th peak!! 2002 2003 L=101 fb-1 L=155 fb-1 - e+e-J/y (cc) > e+e-J/y glue s(e+e-J/y hc) 10x theory evidence for hc’ ggJ/y J/y negligible confirm hc’ 2004 287 fb -1 ‘ hc hc cc0 non-zero continuum below DD threshold 4th peak!!