FASD AND EDUCATION Cunningham 2008
The School Experience By grade 7 or 8 is dropped by achieving friends who can see disabilities. Picks up with peers with similar problems. School skipping, no homework, school failure. Petty crime, drug and alcohol use, early sexual activities. Early school drop out or expulsion – first sign of marginalized adulthood.
The School Experience Are bullied and stigmatized. Have trouble finding friends. Do not achieve at school. Disappoint people around them. Are disappointed in themselves. Develop very poor self esteem. 8 year old stated: (Its) hard, hard to keep out of trouble, and I am not that smart. Everybody makes fun of me.
Secondary Behaviours in School Inappropriate humor Class clown Isolated, few friends Anxious Overwhelmed Bullied, teased Fighting, outbursts Running away, avoidance Depressed, suicidal School failure – grade 9/10
Interventions for Success S: Supervision, Structure, Simplicity C: Communication, Consistency O: Organization R: Rules E: Expectations S: Self Esteem
Supervision, Structure, Simplicity Close supervision to keep students safe and out of trouble (i.e. recess). Teach students that everyday has a consistent and routine structure to it. Keep rules, routines and directions simple, giving them orally and visually.
Communication and Consistency Regular communication between home and school. Students are taught and reminded how to communicate feelings and needs to educators, peers and others. Routines, rules and consequences are consistent. Steps to complete a task are given in the same way every time.
Organization The school helps students to become organized by teaching and reinforcing sequential organizational strategies – repeat, repeat, repeat. The classroom is organized – a place for everything and everything in its place. The lessons and the day are organized.
Rules Simple, concrete, easy to follow. All staff use the same words for each rule. Teach and re-teach rules for understanding. Consequences are applied immediately and consistently.
Expectations Focus on life/social skill development versus academics. Realistic, attainable, and easily understood. Clearly specify was is expected.
Self Esteem Students feel accepted, valued and safe. Positive encouragement is given in a consistent way each day. Students strengths are explored.