Welcome to the LN Band Boosters Break-out Meeting!
Band Communication Methods 1.) Subscribe to the LN Band weekly listserv – Click here to sign up! 2.) Join our LN Band Remind 101 groups: To join the Parent Remind group, text @99ka36 to 81010 To join the Student Remind group, text @kcb663 to 81010 Coming soon: A newly designed website for LN Band!
Fan Club Meet & Greet at 2-9’s Join us 8:30p-9p for a sweet treat while waiting to pick up your marcher from 2-9’s. Get to know other parents within your marcher’s section. You can ask for tips to navigate through all things marching band. Arrange a car pool. Talk about section parties. Create a group text to communicate upcoming events. Organize a ride share to contests. Get the 411 on volunteering. Chat about other performing arts classes / events. Have fun because it’s a long season and we are all in this together! Look for us under a canopy next to the shed on the left side of the parking lot immediately past marching band drop off. If raining, look for location sign on Door 16.
Who are the LN Band Boosters? If you have a student in the band program (any band or the color guard), you are a member! The Boosters help provide what the district does not (for the whole program, MPLT is just one part) The trailer and the truck to pull it (MPLT and Winter Percussion) Program support (MPLT, Winter Percussion, Winter Guard, Jazz Band, ISSMA contests) Those “little extras” to make the band program better and improve the experience for our kids We offer multiple fundraising opportunities to help cover fees. We collect the fees due for extra-curricular band activities, and keep a record all student account activity We meet monthly – normally the 2nd Tuesday of each month, starting at 6:30PM in the band room
LN Band Boosters Officers President: Kaye Schoenling Co-Vice-Presidents of Fundraising: Carol Lipscomb & Stephanie Sego Vice-President of Student Affairs: VACANCY Treasurer: Katie Greiwe Secretary: Janelle Wilson Concessions Chair: VACANCY Breakfast Sale Chair: Gayle Cartwright (interim)
Volunteering Throughout the Year There’s so much more than MPLT! Breakfast Sales Middle School Recruitment Chaperones Rummage Sale (all band families are expected to participate) Concert Wear Fittings Annual Car Show Fundraiser Concessions Spirit Nights Decorations (Concerts & Events) Student Support Fundraising Stutz Artist's Open House Publicity/Photography Booster Board Member Sponsorships Committee Chair
Fundraising Examples Concession Stand – fall and winter sports Work at football, basketball, or soccer games to earn $20 - $30 per shift for your student's account. Band students and family members (over 16) can also work concessions. Breakfast Sale Sell breakfast food items to students at LN before school throughout the school year. Earn $5 per shift for your student's account. Butter Braids & Coffee Sale, Wreath Sale Student earn money towards their band account for each item sold. Stutz Artist’s Open House - Last weekend in April Volunteers sell tickets, operate elevators, and count money. Parents and students over age 16 can work both Friday and Saturday shifts and earn $50 per shift for their student account.
Scrip – it’s free money! LN Band participates in the Great Lakes Scrip Center program Visit www.shopwithscrip.com for more information and to sign up Purchase gift vouchers or cards for retailers you know you will be shopping at. (Groceries, gas, coffee, gifts!) Use the vouchers/cards as cash and get a percentage back into your band account. Kaye Schoenling is our Scrip Coordinator; for more information, contact her at kschoenl@comcast.net
Financial Assistance In order to be considered for financial assistance, you must turn in an application to the Performing Arts office AND apply for the free and reduced lunch program before October 1st each school year. Financial assistance is awarded as a scholarship to all qualifying students. Scholarships are paid for by the LN Band Boosters fundraising efforts. Families receiving financial aid are required to volunteer for all general fundraisers. Contact Jennifer Jansen (LN Performing Arts Administrative Assistant) for more information at jenniferjansen@msdlt.k12.in.us
Learn where and how to get involved - you won’t regret it! Overwhelmed? Sign up on LN Band and MPLT list serve to get all the info! If you have questions, please reach out to any of our Booster Board members or band staff, we're here to help! The next “official” LN Booster meeting will be in August. There will be a “stand-up” meeting during Band Camp on Fan Club Family night (Thursday, July 25th) We need accurate email addresses, please register on the list serve! The MPLT website is a great resource for contact information, the calendar, itineraries, etc. We are all volunteers, and we are all proud to be a part of the Marching Pride of Lawrence Township Marching Band and Color Guard! Learn where and how to get involved - you won’t regret it!