Romeo & Juliet Journal #1 What is a feud? How is it different than an argument? Who were the Hatfields and the McCoys? What other stories are based on feuds? What are the common elements of a feud? What does it usually take to resolve a feud?
Romeo & Juliet Journal #2 Which age has the most vile insults—Shakespeare’s or ours? Explain your answer. There is the potential for both fun and danger in an insult. How can play quickly lead to injury? Give an example.
Romeo & Juliet Journal #3 What are your thoughts and feelings about love and marriage?
Romeo & Juliet Journal #4 Reread Juliet’s speech at the beginning of 3.2. 1. What are some of the different connotations Juliet gives to the word night? Provide at least three (3) examples and explain them. 2. What does the night imagery add to the scene?