SE-OTH-08-03 Tire Store (Discount Tire) 12-19-07 PLDRB Hearing
Request Special Exception to allow a tire store in the General Commercial (COM-2) Zoning District Special exceptions are land uses which are not similar in nature to the uses permitted in the zoning district, but which are desired in the community with appropriate controls where a suitable location is available.
Future Land Use Map Zoning Map
Conceptual Site Plan
Special Exception Request Evaluation Inconsistent with purpose and intent of City land development regulations? Inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan? Adversely affect public interest? Requirements applicable for specific request? Compliance with Federal, State, local, or Board imposed conditions? Generates undue traffic congestion? Creates a hazard or public nuisance? Materially alter the character of the surrounding area? Adversely affect environment, including pollution and scenic beauty?
Recommendation PLDRB deny SE-OTH-08-03 based upon determination that criteria # 1, 2, 3, 8 and 9 as outlined in Ordinance # 2000-39, which sets forth the criteria for denying a special exception, and inconsistency with the City’s Comprehensive Plan warrant denial of the Application.