Silent Film Critique Day Lyon 2013
Get Ready to Watch Films! Do not move the chairs or tables The chairs are in a certain place for a reason, leave it there Sign onto the class website Go to Film 1, Critique Silent Film
Critiquing Films Review Sign into the class website Group Critique - the critiques you will do for films that are not your own Self-Critique - the critique you will do for your film Questions?
Remember Phones down when you are done critique or turn away from the computers Answer all the questions before you press submit of it won’t work Watch your responses appear on the screen Wait quietly for everyone else to finish critiquing
Something new We will be labeling each film with a number when we critique them This way the critique comments can be easily organized so you will get your comments back for your film
Get Ready to Watch Your Films Remember: we play the films when everyone is quiet Clap at the end(respect the time it took your peers to make their film, you know how much work it takes to make a film)
Next Class Start the 3 day film project Watch some examples Then we will watch the Silent Films from the other class period
3 Day Film Project Thursday(next class) be here, your group will pick an object and write their storyboard(Due) Spring Break Friday - Monday Wed. Film! Friday Edit Bonus editing day on Tuesday, since Friday is short Films due Tuesday the 29th
Next School Year Make sure to sign-up for: Film 2 Productions - announcements If you are interested