IPFW Assessment Academy Programmatic Assessment Workshop Series - Using Assessment Results for Programmatic Improvement D. Kent Johnson, PhD Director of Assessment
Some Programmatic Post-Assessment Thoughts So, I have discovered something, but what have I discovered, How do I really know “where” to intervene I’m not sure “why” our students just don’t seem to get this “How” might I propose some changes to improve student learning Remind me again – why did we do that curriculum map thing
Understanding Assessment Results Scenario: One of your programmatic outcomes you expect students to achieve upon completing your academic program is something like: Students will investigate a problem to design a study that informs problem solving. (this is an overgeneralized statement – think about it from the perspective of your discipline and program) Quick Activity: Think about your programmatic outcomes, do you have one that is similar to this? If so – write it down
Understanding Assessment Results 2 Activity 2: If you expected students to demonstrate this outcome at the end of their program, then, you probably expected them to demonstrate progress at certain points in their matriculation. So, look at your curriculum map to see where students demonstrated developing the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve this outcome. Tip - Try to find 3 progressive courses
Activity 2 – Expected Levels of Performance Benchmark Milestone 1 Milestone 2
Value Rubric Framework https://www.aacu.org/value-rubrics Benchmark Milestone 2 Milestone 1
Activity 3: Introduction Benchmark Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Students will demonstrate knowledge of disciplinary writing conventions Students will apply disciplinary methods in the context of a structured problem (or case study, etc.) Students will create a literature review comparing and contrasting two common disciplinary theories.
Activity 3: Benchmark Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Assignment Expected Level of Achievement Actual Level of Achievement Intervention
Tracking Programmatic Improvement Program Level Outcome Assessment(s) Findings Intervention/ Innovation