University Services Improvement Project We will cover: Purpose of the project Why are going this project? What will it achieve? How is it going to be delivered? Next steps Questions at the end The ask to leaders: Cascade this message down through your teams – presentation and comms toolkit will be shared to support this Actively encourage and enable staff to engage constructively with project – bring your team members on this journey with us Act as an advocate for the project. Communicate the agreed change narrative consistently (i.e. WHY are we doing this and how this delivers the University’s agreed vision for the future) and stay resolute when faced with challenge. Feedback any questions/challenge/concerns/rumours you receive/hear to project team so that we can address these University Services Improvement Project
Purpose To deliver more flexible, joined-up and effective Professional Services, that are centred around the needs of our Students, Academics and Industry, and enable us as a University to achieve our intended research outcomes.
Why are we doing it? Why do we want to change how Professional Services deliver for our students, academics and industry partners? You will all be aware of the challenging environment Universities are now operating in. Despite this, the VC has been clear that she wants us to build on our successes and continued growth.
Where do we need to be? People & Culture Campus Framework USIP Optimised Operating Model Student First Services Refocused Partnership Grassroots Process Improvement School of Health & Society School of Science, Engineering and Environment People Framework One Digital Campus Campus Masterplan Academic Career Performance Workload Balancing Reward & Recognition People & Culture Campus Framework USIP Unification Where do we need to be? Our industry-led vision has put us in a good position to meet the challenges we are likely to face and the changes we have already introduced are enabling us to maintain growth and make our University fit for the future. These changes include building and enhancing our: People & Culture - by creating a positive and creative environment to attract, retain and grow our people and talent Physical & Virtual Environment - by investing in our campus and digital infrastructure Education & Student Experience – by ensuring our student experience, staff knowledge and teaching and research offer are all aligned to industry needs External Impact – by using our ICZ strategy to ensure our Research, Teaching and Enterprise is aligned with industry at a national and international level But we cannot be complaisant. We need to continuously improve what we do and build a flexible, resilient and skilled workforce that can deliver sustainable growth for our future. The University Services Improvement project (USIP) now gives us the chance to work together across the University to look at how our Professional Services’ ways of working and structures can adapt to more easily meet and deliver the University’s vision and future needs.
Specifically….. Optimised Operating Model Enhanced Change Delivery Student First Services Refocused Partnership Grassroots Process Improvement School of Health School of Science People Framework One Digital Campus Campus Masterplan Academic Career Performance Workload Balancing Reward & Recognition People and Culture Campus Framework USIP Unification Specifically….. Student First Services Grassroots Process Improvement Refocused Partnership Optimised Operating Model Optimised Operating Model Enhanced Change Delivery Refocused Partnership Understanding challenges Identifying gaps and opportunities Development of our People Grassroots Process Improvement Operational Excellence in Change Management Process Standards Portfolio alignment Customer First Services Consistent school/PS partnering Accountability in roles Transparency in performance Standard Operating Procedures Shared KPIs for common goals Quality Management Establishing Customer Expectations Aligned Service Delivery
What will it achieve? Build on what works well Remove and improve what doesn’t work well Standardise any processes (where sensible) with only minimal exceptions Free up staff time Support progression Create new development opportunities What will it achieve? What are we trying to achieve? Our students, academics & industry partners are at the centre of everything we do as a University. As Professional Services, we should provide them with the services they need, to the right standard and in a timely way that enable them to succeed. With your help, we will work to improve professional services processes, focussed initially on processes from the in-life student journey – everything from a student’s first day of their programme through to Graduation. We want to harness what works well across the University and improve or remove those processes that are unnecessarily convoluted or just don’t work well to create better, faster and more efficient ways of working. There are also a lot of common roles and processes across the University, so, where sensible, we propose to standardise these as part of this project, leaving only minimal local exceptions, using an 80/20 principle. We anticipate that this project will free up staff-time, allowing you to focus on more of the activities that help our students, research and enterprise. We also expect that improved and standardised processes will make it easier for Professional Services colleagues to move across the University and progress in their careers, as well as create new development opportunities in growth areas for colleagues to take up. In parallel, HR will work with the project team to conduct some simple “housekeeping” around the naming conventions of roles and will help us consider any differences in the responsibilities of Professional Services colleagues so that we can look to iron out inconsistencies as appropriate.
How is it going to be delivered? Build Delivery May Surveys Jun-Aug Workshops Quick wins Sept-Oct Long-term programme development and planning Nov-Dec Tbc Project completion: summer 2020 How is it going to be delivered? How are we going to deliver this project? This project is taking a bottom-up evidence-based approach. We cannot deliver this change alone and need your input as subject matter experts. We want to get this right and your voice is important in this process. We will also work closely with DSAS and the Students’ Union to gain student feedback and with Enterprise and ICZ colleagues to incorporate the voice of our industry partners. Using the facts and evidence you provide, we can make the changes that we know will make the most difference. In May, we will be running a high-level survey to better understand what aspects of your work and relevant processes currently work well and what does not work so well. Our focus will be on understanding how you would like to see the University work in future. We are particularly interested in hearing about the one thing we should change above anything else. (Survey to follow presentation.) Throughout the summer (June to September), we will be running a series of deep dive workshops, discussions and observations. You will play a crucial role in helping us to see things from your perspective and understand how processes currently work. You will also be directly involved in coming up with solutions. The deep dive workshops will allow us to identify opportunities to remove any unhelpful (aspects of) processes, any duplication and streamline key business processes. The outcome of these workshops will inform the next phase of the XX project. We realise that September and October are peak-time for University colleagues. During this time, we will be evaluating the information and data we have received from the workshops to determine how this should inform the next phase of the project. We have no clearly defined answers or plans – the information you provide us with will be vital to shaping the future of our work.
Next steps Call for volunteers Share experience and expertise with examples Suggest solutions Identify “quick wins” Keep engaging! Next steps What’s next? We would like to encourage as many colleagues as possible to get involved, both academics and professional services staff. We want to capture the widest range of views to inform how we shape our future ways of working. We will endeavour to give you as much notice as possible to enable you to attend any workshops and other engagement opportunities. When responding to any surveys or attending our workshops, please be prepared to share your experience, expertise and any specific examples of things that work well or do not work well. Equally if you have any suggestions on how a process could be improved, please be willing to share this with us. This is your chance to improve the way we work collectively and remove those bug-bears you have to tackle every day! We won’t be able to do everything at once, nor will we be able to meet everyone’s requirements, despite our best intentions. While it could take up to 18 months for any significant change to be felt, with your help, we can identify some “quick wins” to start making some of your work more enjoyable and rewarding over the next few months. Throughout this project, we will keep you informed on how the project is progressing, what to expect next and what it will mean for you. And of course, if you have any questions, issues or suggested solutions, please feel free to contact the project team to raise them.
Project team Sponsor and Chair of project board: Alison Blackburn Lead: Nicole Holt Project manager: Natalie Sterman CI lead: Jonathan Welsh Project team
Questions? FAQs under development – will use feedback to further inform these and keep up-to-date.