BELLWORK Please take out your planner and homework. Sit silently and wait for me to come around and check both. Not having the assignment in your planner will result in a loss of one point on your homework assignment. Not having the homework or the assignment written down in the planner will result in the loss of points on the homework and the loss of participation for the day.
PLANNER: Homework By tomorrow, I want a rough draft of your introduction. We will put together everything that you have been writing into one introductory paragraph. Rough drafts that are only one paragraph can be handwritten.
Let’s Put it All Together! 09-14-18
Alright... Take out everything you have written so far What all are we taking out? Hooks Context Thesis
Alright... Right now, everything might look jumbled and messy As long as it is all about the same topic, we can mold this into an intro What questions do we have right now?
Introductions The biggest thing is that our intros should be concise They need to get to the point! Remember, we are arguing something and we need to make that argument matter pretty quickly Let’s look at the intro you are helping me write
“My” Introduction “A hypocrite is a person that projects their own flaws and undesirable traits onto others in order to deflect these insecurities to feel better about themselves. Main character Holden Caulfield in J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye is prone to calling those around him “phonies.” Phonies are people that do not live a personal truth and instead fake their personality for the benefit of the world around them. However, it seems that Holden could be the biggest “phony” of them all. With hypocritical tendencies such as enjoying entertainment, complaint without change, and fear of true identity, Holden proves that he himself is one of the “phonies” that he so despises.”
Introductions What is good about this introduction that we wrote together? It gets straight to the point! Doesn’t ramble on about something to change the topic completely This is why the hook should get straight to the matter, right?
So, Some Examples... How do you think you are going to write your introduction? I would like to know what each of you is writing about, so we will go around the room Give me something interesting about your introduction!
Now That We Have Ideas... It is okay to think an idea is good and something that you might utilize for your paper However, we cannot have plagiarism in this class It is school policy and my policy
Plagiarism Let’s talk about this now What is plagiarism? Plagiarism is taking someone else’s work and crediting it as your own It is okay to quote or paraphrase someone, but you must give them credit
Citation This is why we cite other people and give authors credit when we are referencing their work You probably wouldn’t like it if someone stole your art piece and said they did it, right?
Citation Next week, we are going to learn how to use the MLA citation system to credit J.D. Salinger for his work in our body paragraphs For now, we will not learn how to cite outside sources, as we will not need to do that for this paper I want you to remember that your words matter-- this is another reason we do not plagiarize
Tonight... Try to come up with the best intro you can Remember, it is a rough draft-- it does not have to be perfect right now I am going to go over them over this weekend, and I will give you very solid advice on your intros Don’t worry-- I am not here to judge, I am here to teach