Persistent identifiers for instruments (PIDINST) working group Louise Darroch British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) National Oceanography Centre (NOC) RDA-UK/FREYA Workshop, London, 16th July 2019
Persistent identifiers It is customary to think that PIDs are only used to cite journals or datasets…. Classic example: Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
How PIDs are being used A sample A biological entity A person Increasingly, PIDs are being used to universally locate and identify physical things or events A sample A biological entity A person International Geo Sample Number (IGSN) Life Science Identifier (LSID) ORCID ID
PIDs and instruments What PID Thing/event Who Long lasting identifiers are already being used to identify resources related to instruments All resolvable Not all metadata is easily extractable Not all true PIDs? What PID Thing/event Who Platforms models HIAPER Gulfstream GV aircraft Earth Observing Laboratory (EOL) Platform instances RV Oceanus ICES Platform deployments Cruise OC1611B on RV Oceanus Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Instrument models Rockwell Collins PLGR 96 GPS NERC Vocabulary Server Instrument instances Data Ostracods in permafrost deposits from the Bykovsky Peninsula 1998/1999. PANGAEA
An example of a deployment DOI registered at global provider
PIDs and instruments What PID Thing/event Who Long lasting identifiers are already being used to identify resources related to instruments All resolvable Not all metadata is easily extractable Not all true PIDs? What PID Thing/event Who Platforms models HIAPER Gulfstream GV aircraft Earth Observing Laboratory (EOL) Platform instances RV Oceanus ICES Platform deployments Cruise OC1611B on RV Oceanus Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Instrument models Rockwell Collins PLGR 96 GPS NERC Vocabulary Server Instrument instances Data Ostracods in permafrost deposits from the Bykovsky Peninsula 1998/1999. PANGAEA
What is an instrument instance? Instrument model - design (iphone 7) Instrument instance – physical thing
Why PIDs? Part of the research object (transparency) Metrics/funding (credit) Associated metadata puts data into context (integrity) Streamline workflows (machine automation) ● Metrics that quantify the use of instruments and the rationale for future funding ● Link data to the instruments that generated them (provenance), improving the interpretation and validity of data ● Aid equipment logistics and mission planning ● Facilitate interoperability and open data sharing, especially in advancing technologies that foster sharing of instruments ● Improve the discoverability and visibility of instruments and their data, published on the web.
FAIR Data Guiding Principles Wilkinson et al. Scientific Data volume3, Article number: 160018 (2016)
Research Data Alliance (RDA) Persistent Identification of Instruments (PIDINST) WG Chairs: Markus Stocker (lead) – TIB (DE) Louise Darroch – BODC/NOC (UK) Andrew Janke – NIF (AUS) Alessandro Oggioni – CNR/IREA (ITL) Endorsed: March 2018 Over 50 international members
Gather cross-community use cases Some examples…..
Real world application Meteorology UK Polar Data Centre Wide range of polar data (e.g. marine, biological, atmospheric etc.) Instrument asset management systems Reduce data ingestion times RRS Sir David Attenborough Wildlife
Real world application E.g. Molecular, Human, Materials Imaging 10 nodes across Australia NIF-certified data Instruments must be NIF-compliant with registered unique ID (IUID) Associate QA/QC procedures (trust/integrity)
Real world application Journal for describing large-scale facilities Human readable articles Machine readable metadata Link to other resources (e.g. research articles) Link to sub-components Credit to assets
Metadata schema for PID providers Gathered cross-community use-cases Metadata alignment exercise Rationalise to a metadata schema In discussions for adoption (e.g. DataCite)
Institutional provider white paper (technical report) Aimed at institutional instrument providers Advise on publishing institutional metadata Wide range of topics (e.g. content negotiation, linking data, landing pages, calibrations etc.)
Thank you