Presentation of investment project “Gambling Land “Siberian Coin”
Gambling Land “Siberian Coin” One of 4 gambling zones of Russia and unique in Siberia complex of entertainments and recreation with exclusive gambling institutions, blending with mountain surrounding, hotels and villas, parks of entertainments and sports centers. a rest with the entered in mountain district by Created by the directive of RF Government in 2008. Total area– 2,3 thousand hectares Total project volume–29 billion rubles Terms of realization - 2008-2020
Gambling land “Siberian Coin” COMPETITIVE BENEFITS advantageous geographical location: the Altai territory is a geographical center of Russia, found near Kazakhstan and in direct access to China and Mongolia; status of the unique Siberian complex where gambling activity is legislatively allowed; Location in a popular tourist region of Siberia; neighboring with operating Special Economic Zone of tourist-recreational type “Sky Blue Katun”, high quality and wide spectrum of medical and sanatorium services, provided on the adjacent territories; Availability of free labor resources; Support of the project by Administration of Altai territory; The beginning of construction of the first gambling and recreational complex is in 2010.
Gambling land ‘Siberian Coin” State support of the project Granting on hire basis the land plots with an opportunity of further redemption of a site Creation of external infrastructure of the zone at the expense of budgetary funds Promotion of the project at the Russian and international level (presentation, exhibitions and forums) The investment legislation of the Krai provides : subsidizing of expenses under the wealth tax; Indemnification of a part of the bank interest rate under credits; subsidizing of the tax to profit; Maintenance of discharge of the obligation of investors before creditors in the shape of remortgage of the Krai’s property; Granting of government guarantees of Altai territory; Support of activity of the enterprises due to means of Regional leasing fund; Granting of the tax credit.
Kinds of entertainments Gambling zone: Gambling games; Rest in mountains; Extreme recreation (snowboarding, alpine skiing, motor racing ); Sport recreation (paragliding and gliding, equestrian sport); Day-off tours; Business-tours. Tourism on the adjusting territories: Health improving; excursion; water (rafting, rowing, kayaking); sport (альпинизм, лыжный); Extreme and ethnographic; rural; ecological; event-trigger.
Gambling land “Siberian Coin” Project of a lay-out of the territory Zone of mass service The architectural concept of the project Orientation both to service of exclusive persons, and to a mass stream of visitors, including tourists. Dialogue of cultures of the East and the West, idea of “a meeting of the worlds” (proceeding from a special site of Altai, as places of crossing of world religions). Integration of a natural landscape and architectural complexes, creation of “architectural complexes in natural park”. Zone of exclusive service
Gambling land “Siberian Coin” The basic objects of the project of a territory lay-out Cinema and concert complex, open dancing floor casino, gambling-recreational complexes Motor racing ground multifunctional hotel complexes ***-***** to accommodate 3000 persons Open-air cinema Cultural-recreational, shopping and sport centers Paragliding and gliding center Tennis courts Equestrian complex with a hotel
The legislation regulating activity on the territory of a gambling land “Siberian coin” : Federal Act of 29.12.2006 № 244 “About state regulation of activity on the organization and realization of gambling games of the Russian Federation”. RF Government order of 09.02.2008 №155-р “About creation of a gambling zone “Siberian coin” on the territory of Altai Krai. Altai Krai Administration Regulation of 09.09.2009 № 388 “About state regulation of activity on the organization and realization of gambling games in a gambling zone “Siberian coin” in Altaiskiy district of Altai Krai”. - Regulations about transferring in the property or rent land plots located in a gambling zone “Siberian coin” to the organizers of gambling activity, and to other persons; - Regulations about distribution, renewal and cancellation of permits to realization of activity on the organization and realization of gambling games in a gambling zone “Siberian coin”. Controlling organ of a gambling zone “Siberian coin” - Altai Krai Department on the development of tourist-recreational and sanatorium-resort complexes
Gambling land “Siberian Coin” Order of interaction with investors The conclusion of the lease arrangement of the land plot and the contract of investment Competition on rent of the ground area Investor Reception of construction permit Input of object in operation Redemption of a land plot The permit to realization of gambling activity Сайт:
Порядок получения разрешения на ведение игорной деятельности on the territory of the gambling land “Siberian Coin” 1. Participation in competition on the right of rent of the land plot The conclusion of the lease arrangement of a premise with the company which has constructed a gambling institution in ”Siberian coin » 2. The conclusion of the lease arrangement and the agreement on realization of investment project Выдача разрешения на осуществление деятельности по организации и проведению азартных игр в игорной зоне «Сибирская монета» 3.Input of the object into operation Granting the permit on organization and carrying out gambling activity on the territory of a gambling zone ‘Siberian Coin”
investment projects in a gambling land “Siberian Coin” Construction of two hotel complexes **** with a casino 100 accommodation places each and hotels of business-class ****-***** The project of the first complex includes: Gambling zone and a hall of game automatic devices; A health-improving complex with a training hall, a sauna, an a pool; A hall of productive leisure with bowling and billiards; hotel; Zone of food-court (restaurants, bars, cafes). 2 land plots are transferred on hire basis
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