Hunter-Trapper Education Dave Frey
Background Information Over 1 million hunters in Pennsylvania Many are first time hunters More likely to become hurt while in the field
Background Info. Cont. PA Game Commission founded in 1895 PA Game Commission founded in 1895 Formal hunter education started in 1959 Formal hunter education started in law passed making hunter education mandatory 1982 law passed making hunter education mandatory
Results of Hunter Education Currently, more than 1,700,000 students certified Currently, more than 1,700,000 students certified Fatalities from firearms down 80% Fatalities from firearms down 80% Similar results throughout the country Similar results throughout the country Proof that hunter education works
Objectives of Hunter Safety Education Main focus of firearm safety Main focus of firearm safety Proper handling methods Proper handling methods Archery, muzzleloading, and trapping techniques Archery, muzzleloading, and trapping techniques
Objectives cont. How to be an ethical hunter How to be an ethical hunter Show respect toward other hunters Show respect toward other hunters Students should be able to demonstrate this at the end of the course Students should be able to demonstrate this at the end of the course
What Does Hunter Education Teach? Responsibility and Ethics Responsibility and Ethics Wildlife Conservation Wildlife Conservation Wildlife Identification Wildlife Identification Field Care of Game Field Care of Game Game Laws Game Laws Safe archery tactics Safe archery tactics Treestand safety Treestand safety
Firearm Safety Always treat a firearm as if it were loaded Always treat a firearm as if it were loaded Never point a firearm at anything you do not intend to shoot Never point a firearm at anything you do not intend to shoot Never rest a loaded firearm on a vehicle Never rest a loaded firearm on a vehicle
Archery/Treestand Safety Always use extreme caution when climbing a tree Always use extreme caution when climbing a tree Always wear a safety harness Always wear a safety harness Inspect the tree before climbing Inspect the tree before climbing
Conclusion Hunter Safety Education teaches new hunters everything needed to be safe Hunter Safety Education teaches new hunters everything needed to be safe The program has been proven to work The program has been proven to work Makes Pennsylvanias woods a safe place to be Makes Pennsylvanias woods a safe place to be Hunter education makes hunting more enjoyable for everyone Hunter education makes hunting more enjoyable for everyone
Conclusion Cont. Classes are offered throughout the state Classes are offered throughout the state Contact PGC for more information Contact PGC for more information Any Questions??? Any Questions???
References Hunter-Trapper Education Program. Pennsylvania Game Commission, ?a=461&q= Hunter-Trapper Education Program. Pennsylvania Game Commission, ?a=461&q=153086