IANX transiently decreased the cortical responses to the mandibular molar pulp stimulation. IANX transiently decreased the cortical responses to the mandibular molar pulp stimulation. A, Examples of cortical responses evoked by the electrical stimulation of the mandibular molar pulp in the Sham (1w-sham and 4w-sham) and IANX (1w-IANX, 2w-IANX, and 4w-IANX) groups. The time from the onset of the electrical stimulation is shown on the top of each panel. R, rostral; C, caudal; D, dorsal; V, ventral. B, Temporal profiles of optical signals in the ROIs (white circles) in S2/IOR shown in A. Arrows indicate the timing of the electrical stimulation. C, Comparison of the peak amplitude, latency, and time to peak of optical signals in response to electrical stimulation of the mandibular molar pulp. The numbers of animals are shown in parenthesis. Note that the latency and time to peak were estimated in cases in which significant optical signals were obtained. There was no significant difference between 1w-sham and 4w-sham groups (n.s.; Mann–Whitney U test). D, Superimposed images of the maximum responses evoked by the mandibular molar pulp stimulation. The number of overlapping responses is represented by gradation of the color density. The line outlines the area responding to stimulation in 50% of animals. RF, rhinal fissure. E, Comparison of areas activated by the stimulation. Note the significant decrease in the excitation area in the 1w-IANX group (Mann–Whitney U test). F, Comparison of the excitation area shown in D. Solid and dashed lines indicate the responding area in 50% of the animals of the IANX model and sham groups, respectively. Note that the only outlines of the sham group are shown in the left panel because of no superimposed area in 50% rats of 1w-IANX group; **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, Mann–Whitney U test. Satoshi Fujita et al. eNeuro 2019;6:ENEURO.0462-18.2019 ©2019 by Society for Neuroscience