Sharpeville Massacre Wyatt Egger
South African township in Transvaal Setting March 21st, 1960 South African township in Transvaal
Preceding Events Protest against pass laws ANC organized protests that were going to start on March 31st, but the PAC had theirs 10 days earlier because they believed the ANC could not win the campaign
The Massacre A group between 5,000 and 10,000 converged on the police station offering themselves for arrest Eventually, policemen felt threatened and began shooting at the crowd No one in the crowd had weapons 69 killed, and 180 were injured Many shot in the back in attempts to get away; caused paralysis
Response Many more protests and strikes throughout South Africa Government declared a state of emergency; made PAC and ANC illegal Condemned by United Nations Turning point in the shift from passive resistance to armed resistance
Modern Day In 1994, March 21st became Human Rights Day in South Africa Where Nelson Mandela signed the Constitution of South Africa in 1996 Memorial opened in 2002