Impacting the “recession proof” customer you need Impacting the “recession proof” customer you need! Augmenting the “reach and frequency” of your ad message on the area’s dominant Web site Attracting the “active” online consumer who seeks you locally & globally on 1 1
Our Online Audience is “Recession Proof!” 2,200+ unique visitors viewing over 47,000 pages of information each month* 89 percent are 18-54 years of age 85 percent attended college 51 percent are professional/ managerial 69 percent are homeowners 63 percent earn $50,000 or more/ year 71 percent log on at work 40%= 18-34 / 39%= 35-54 / 11%= 55+ Our online readership is affluent, educated and growing! Source: *= March 20111 “WebTrends” & March 2011 vs March 2011 | Source NAA/ MORI Newspaper Web Audience Study 2007 2
Why Advertise Online Locally? Because, as the economy went down LOCAL Online spending went up!! 14.9% of average (SMB) Small/Medium sized businesses’ ad budget is now Online! And, that percentage will continue to rise over the next few years! If you’re not there…. Your competitor could be there! Source: 2011 Borrel Research Study: Benchmarking Local Online Media 3
Why Advertise in Print & Online? Because that’s the top two places your customers look for them! Source : NAA/ MORI Research Study 2009 4
Your ad links to your Web site. in our Online Marketplace Reach Our Recession Proof Audience with Online Frequency! We now offer “Hover Over” Online Ads! “Mousing over” these online “Side Banners,” makes your current ad appear! Your Online “Side Banner” Ad Will be seen no less than 13,000 times a month! Your ad links to your Web site. Or, your profile page in our Online Marketplace Side Banner Ad Size: 145 x 60 pixels Roll Over Ad Size: 300 x 250 pixels Side Banners appear on every page. Ads rotate with other advertisers in a figure-8 pattern every 2 minutes Limited to 6 Advertisers ONLY! 5
Limited to 6 Advertisers ONLY! Reach an Active Audience Seeking Your Product or Service! All our Web site pages features a link/ search box to our Business Directory Readers can search for you by business name or category Receive an Online PREMIUM LISTING! Your business is listed above all of your competitors! Contact information & Web/ Email links included Listing also links to Your Online Profile Page Your Online Profile Page can feature Business Name Slogan Address Phone Number Fax Number Email Address Link Hours of Operation Business Picture Google Map Profile Up to 6 Photos* Up to 6 Products and Services* Up to 3 Coupons* *Changeable once a month Plus we’ll feature your business on the “right rail” of the Online marketplace Limited to 6 Advertisers ONLY! 6
Enjoy assistance with Your Search Engine Optimization! We list Marketplace Pages throughout the World Wide Web on Search Engines & Internet Directories Since these pages come from our dominant local Web site you will be leveraging our popularity to get ranked higher! Pages are listed on: 9 out of 10 stop at the first 3 pages of a “Search Engine” when looking for a product or service. 6 out of 10 stop at the first page! (Jupiter Research Study) Actual results on 1st page of Google from a local search for “Mutual Insurance Troy, MO” on May 3 , 2011 No guarantees are made that similar results will occur with any online deployment
Dominate with the power of newspaper advertising! You’ll receive newspaper ads running in the paper: Quarter Page Print Ad (1x/ Month), or 3 column x 5 inch Print Ad (2x / Month), or 2 column x4 inch Print Ad (4x / Month) Plus your business name in promotional ads, ALL YEAR LONG!
Packaged for 6 advertisers only at: $40/week for 12-months You’ll receive no less than 13,000 monthly “Hover Over Ads on all Web site Pages You’ll receive ENHANCED status in our Online Marketplace With your listing at the top! Ad Links to your: Website, Business Profile Page Plus, a banner ad on marketplace pages You’ll receive assistance with “Search Engine Optimization” on Quarter Page Print Ad (1x/ Month), or 3 column x 5 inch Print Ad (2x / Month), or 2 column x4 inch Print Ad (4x / Month) Packaged for 6 advertisers only at: $40/week for 12-months Current Rate: $371.50/month
_____________________________________________ ________ Program Details: The Newspaper will deliver across the Web site: -> A new 300 x 250 Online “Hover Over” ad to rotate on all Web site pages. Ad is guaranteed to receive no less than 13,000 monthly ad impressions -> Enhanced Status in the Online Marketplace Platform (SEO assistance and Profile Page) with Banner Ads on Marketplace pages -> A Quarter Page Print Ad (1x/ Month), or 3 column x 5 inch Print Ad (2x / Month), or 2 column x4 inch Print Ad (4x / Month) - Advertiser agrees to pay a weekly fee of: $)_______________ (to be billed in 12 monthly terms) This agreement is for 12 consecutive months commencing on ______________ The agreement has been executed by the parties hereto through their authorized representatives on the date set forth below. Newspaper: ________________________________________________ _______________ Salesperson) (Date) ________________________________________________ ________________ (Management) (Date) Account Numbers(s): ___________________________________________________________________ ADVERTISER: _______________________________________________________________________________ (Firm Name) _____________________________________________ ________ (Authorized Signature) (Date) __________________________________ ___________________ (Print Name and Title of Signer) (Email Address: to receive weekly reports) ________________________________________________________________________________ (Street Address/P.O. Box) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ (City, State and Zip) (Telephone Number) By signing this Agreement the advertiser accepts the following conditions: This Agreement is is governed by the terms and conditions of the newspaper’s current rate card and general advertising policies. This Agreement may be terminated by either party with 30 days written notice. Early termination will result in advertiser to pay prevailing rate for all inventory used = $371.50/month value