Shaler Area High School Photography Contest CATEGORIES: Portraiture – capture a moment of a person close to you in a way that reveals their true personality Nature’s Way – taken outdoors, a display of natural elements such as landscapes, plants, & flowers (no animals) Animals – includes wildlife, farm animals, and pets-focusing in on the animals. The animals are the subject/focal point of the photograph. Architecture –buildings, bridges, statues, man-made landmarks WILD Card – great photo that doesn’t fit in an above category? Submit to this! Selfies, aerial shots, sports/action, etc. SUBMITTING YOUR ENTRY: *ENTER ONE OR MORE CATETORIES, BUT ONLY ONE ENTRY PER CATEGORY, PER PERSON *EACH ENTRY IS SUBMITTED VIA EMAIL. ONE PHOTOGRAPHY PER EMAIL. PLEASE DO NOT ATTACH MULTIPLE PHOTOS TO AN EMAIL. *EACH JPG NEEDS TO BE NAMES USING THE FOLLOWING NAMING FORMAT: Name of Student and Category Example: KateElder_Animals.jpg *COPY AND PASTE THE NAME OF THE JPG INTO THE SUBJECT LINE OF YOUR EMAIL DEADLINE TO ENTER IS SEPTEMBER 15TH, 2019