Popliteal artery entrapment: Diagnosis by computed tomography


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Presentation transcript:

Popliteal artery entrapment: Diagnosis by computed tomography Larry R. Williams, M.D., William R. Flinn, M.D., Walter J. McCarthy, M.D., James S.T. Yao, M.D., Ph.D., John J. Bergan, M.D.  Journal of Vascular Surgery  Volume 3, Issue 2, Pages 360-363 (February 1986) DOI: 10.1016/0741-5214(86)90023-6 Copyright © 1986 Society for Vascular Surgery and North American Chapter, International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

Fig. 1 Standard arteriogram revealed occlusion of left popliteal artery (arrow) with large supragenicular collateral branches. Arterial anatomy was normal on right and neither artery displayed significant medial deviation characteristic of some forms of popliteal entrapment. Journal of Vascular Surgery 1986 3, 360-363DOI: (10.1016/0741-5214(86)90023-6) Copyright © 1986 Society for Vascular Surgery and North American Chapter, International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

Fig. 2 CT with contrast infusion at level of femoral condyles revealed thrombosis of left popliteal artery (small arrow). Anomalous origin of medial head of left gastrocnemius muscle (large arrow) was clearly demonstrated, in contrast to normal anatomic relationships seen in right limb. Journal of Vascular Surgery 1986 3, 360-363DOI: (10.1016/0741-5214(86)90023-6) Copyright © 1986 Society for Vascular Surgery and North American Chapter, International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery Terms and Conditions