The Italian education system 2008 edition Eurydice European Commision
General informations In School year there were students of all school levels The Ministry of Public Education is the responsible for school education At local level it is represented By regional and provincial education offices From 1999 we have school autonomy
School Autonomy Grants to all schools teaching, organization, research, experimentation and development autonomy
Pre- Primary education Age 3-6 The weekly number of hours range from 25 to 48 ( Parents choise ) per 35 weeks per year It is free (parents pay just for canteen services and transport if necessary) but it is not compulsory
Compulsory education From 6 to 16 years of age Primary school Age Lower secondary school Age first years of Upper secondary school Age 14 – 16 Its free of charge but families pay for books
School year At least 200 days ( September to June) 891 minimum teaching hours in primary and lower secondary 33 teaching weeks Average amount of 27/29 teaching hours minimum per week
Assessment Periodical and annual assessment for pupils learning and behaviour On completion of the compulsory first school cycle students take a State examination at 14 to be admitted to the upper secondary education level
Subjects Elementary: Italian, english language, history, geography,mathematics, science,ICT, music and drawing,physical education, catholic religion ( not compulsory ) Lower secondary: Italian, english language, a second foreign language,history, geography,mathematics,science, thecnical education, music, art, physical education, ICT, catholic religion ( not compulsory) The Ministry of education gives guidelines for each subject.
Upper secondary education Age 14 – 19 Liceo Classico Liceo scientifico Liceo linguistico Liceo socio psico pedagogico Liceo artistico Istituto tecnico
Vocational education Age 14 – – 19 The system offers many different branches
Assessment Oral and written work is assessed at least two times a year At the end of upper secondary education there is a final examination
Subjects Central government determines basic curricula for each branch of upper secondary education and gives guidance for teaching methods. Common subjects to all Institutions are: Italian, history, at least a foreign language,mathematics and physical education
The Integration of handicapped students Started in 1977 with Law n. 517 Hd. Students started to attend school with the other students Depending on their handicap, these students have the right to be followed (1:1 teaching ratio) by a specialized teacher for several hours a week (min. 4.5 hours – maximum 18 hours)
How to get the Hd.Certificate The Family asks for certificate to the State Medical Institute Takes it to school At school a group of experts is activated ( headteacher, teachers, doctors, social workers, parents ) to prepare the personalized school plan for each student and to follow the students progress
Plan Objectives To promote students integration To promote students autonomy To promote students motivation Focus on skills because skills improve integration
Evaluation What, how,when to evaluate the students progress is fixed yearly in the school personalised plan Students take the final State Examination (licenza media) according to the plan made at the biginning of each school year In upper secondary education students get a certificate of attendance