(A) Radiograph of the knees of the proband of family B (case 3) at the age of 9 years 2 months showing smaller medial femoral and tibial condyles compared to lateral femoral and tibial condyles. (A) Radiograph of the knees of the proband of family B (case 3) at the age of 9 years 2 months showing smaller medial femoral and tibial condyles compared to lateral femoral and tibial condyles. (B) Note the hypoplastic and dislocated patellae with two ossification centres on the left side, and flattened fossa intercondylares. (C) Radiograph of the pelvis at the age of 7½ years showing bilateral hypoplastic ossification of the ischia and inferior pubic rami for his age and infra-acetabular axe cut notches (arrows). (D) Radiograph of the feet showing hypertrophy of the neck of the talus. ERNIE M H F BONGERS et al. J Med Genet 2001;38:209-214 ©2001 by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd