AE/ME 339 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) K. M. Isaac


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Presentation transcript:

AE/ME 339 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) K. M. Isaac August 31, 2019 topic19_nozzle_flow

Quasi One-Dimensional Nozzle Flow Computational Fluid Dynamics (AE/ME 339) K. M. Isaac MAEEM Dept., UMR Quasi One-Dimensional Nozzle Flow Insert Nozzle Flow Schematic Schlieren pictures of the flow August 31, 2019 topic19_nozzle_flow

Consider the steady isentropic flow through a convergent-divergent Computational Fluid Dynamics (AE/ME 339) K. M. Isaac MAEEM Dept., UMR Consider the steady isentropic flow through a convergent-divergent nozzle shown in the Figure 19.1 The nozzle is attached to a large reservoir in which the conditions remains constant, denoted by pressure p0 and temperature T0. p0 and T0 are known as the stagnation pressure and stagnation temperature, respectively. If the nozzle exhausting into a region in which the pressure is much smaller (exact pressure ratios will be established as we proceed) compared to the reservoir pressure. The flow can be analyzed as a quasi one-dimensional flow (flow properties are a function of the axial location only; there is no variation in the radial or azimuthal direction). August 31, 2019 topic19_nozzle_flow

Under the right conditions, the flow accelerates gradually Computational Fluid Dynamics (AE/ME 339) K. M. Isaac MAEEM Dept., UMR Under the right conditions, the flow accelerates gradually along the nozzle axis and attains a Mach number greater than one at the exit. The flow variables are given by close form solutions which can be used to compare any numerical results. August 31, 2019 topic19_nozzle_flow

Isentropic one-dimensional flow Computational Fluid Dynamics (AE/ME 339) K. M. Isaac MAEEM Dept., UMR Isentropic one-dimensional flow We assume that the flow variables can be represented as a function of the axial coordinate alone. For steady flow we can write August 31, 2019 topic19_nozzle_flow

Computational Fluid Dynamics (AE/ME 339) K. M. Isaac MAEEM Dept., UMR August 31, 2019 topic19_nozzle_flow

x Computational Fluid Dynamics (AE/ME 339) K. M. Isaac MAEEM Dept., UMR x August 31, 2019 topic19_nozzle_flow

Computational Fluid Dynamics (AE/ME 339) K. M. Isaac MAEEM Dept., UMR August 31, 2019 topic19_nozzle_flow

Computational Fluid Dynamics (AE/ME 339) K. M. Isaac MAEEM Dept., UMR August 31, 2019 topic19_nozzle_flow

Computational Fluid Dynamics (AE/ME 339) K. M. Isaac MAEEM Dept., UMR August 31, 2019 topic19_nozzle_flow

Computational Fluid Dynamics (AE/ME 339) K. M. Isaac MAEEM Dept., UMR August 31, 2019 topic19_nozzle_flow

Insert Figure 7.2 Computational Fluid Dynamics (AE/ME 339) K. M. Isaac MAEEM Dept., UMR Insert Figure 7.2 August 31, 2019 topic19_nozzle_flow

Computational Fluid Dynamics (AE/ME 339) K. M. Isaac MAEEM Dept., UMR August 31, 2019 topic19_nozzle_flow

Computational Fluid Dynamics (AE/ME 339) K. M. Isaac MAEEM Dept., UMR August 31, 2019 topic19_nozzle_flow

Computational Fluid Dynamics (AE/ME 339) K. M. Isaac MAEEM Dept., UMR August 31, 2019 topic19_nozzle_flow

Computational Fluid Dynamics (AE/ME 339) K. M. Isaac MAEEM Dept., UMR August 31, 2019 topic19_nozzle_flow

Computational Fluid Dynamics (AE/ME 339) K. M. Isaac MAEEM Dept., UMR August 31, 2019 topic19_nozzle_flow

Computational Fluid Dynamics (AE/ME 339) K. M. Isaac MAEEM Dept., UMR August 31, 2019 topic19_nozzle_flow

Computational Fluid Dynamics (AE/ME 339) K. M. Isaac MAEEM Dept., UMR August 31, 2019 topic19_nozzle_flow

Computational Fluid Dynamics (AE/ME 339) K. M. Isaac MAEEM Dept., UMR August 31, 2019 topic19_nozzle_flow

Computational Fluid Dynamics (AE/ME 339) K. M. Isaac MAEEM Dept., UMR August 31, 2019 topic19_nozzle_flow

Computational Fluid Dynamics (AE/ME 339) K. M. Isaac MAEEM Dept., UMR August 31, 2019 topic19_nozzle_flow

Computational Fluid Dynamics (AE/ME 339) K. M. Isaac MAEEM Dept., UMR August 31, 2019 topic19_nozzle_flow

Program Completed University of Missouri-Rolla Copyright 2002 Curators of University of Missouri August 31, 2019 topic19_nozzle_flow