Hayfield Middle School Health & Physical Education
Physical Education Standards of Learning Skilled Movement demonstrate competence in skillful movement in modified, dynamic game/sport situations and in a variety of rhythmic and recreational activities
Physical Education Standards of Learning Movement Principles and Concepts apply movement principles and concepts to specific sport, dance, and recreational skill performance
Physical Education Standards of Learning Personal Fitness self-assess level of physical activity and personal fitness, create goals, create an action plan, document progress, reassess and modify plan
Physical Education Standards of Learning Physically Active Lifestyles demonstrate a physically active lifestyle, including activity within and outside of the physical education setting
Physical Education Standards of Learning Essential Life Skills work independently and with others to demonstrate essential life skills in cooperative and competitive physical activity settings
Physical Education Standards will be met through a variety of activities Fitness Cooperative Games Recreational Games Weight Training and Conditioning Jump Ropes Floor Hockey Team Handball Soccer Track and Field Carolina Football Volleyball Basketball Ultimate Frisbee Tchoukball Eclipse Ball Softball
Assessment Students will be expected to be able to describe and demonstrate various skills, and fitness and movement concepts. Evaluation of skills and concepts will occur during activities. Students will know which skills and concepts will be evaluated each day.
Assessment Examples Class Focus: Learning a new game. Students will learn the rules of the game and game concepts through discussion and demonstration. Students will be expected to be able to play the game according to the rules. Evaluation is based on the ability to demonstrate understanding of the rules by playing the game according to the rules.
Assessment Examples Class Focus: offensive and defensive strategies, i.e. moving to an open space, ball control, moving with and without the ball, types of defense. Students will be taught and will practice the strategies in class. Students are expected to demonstrate these concepts in game situations.
Assessment Examples Class focus: Virginia Wellness testing. Students are given instructions and demonstrations about the test and why the test is given. Students are expected to be able to describe and perform the test correctly within the testing guidelines.
Fitness Fitness is one of the main goals in Physical Education. It will be incorporated in Physical Education and your students grade every day through various games, activities and assessments.
Uniforms To promote better hygiene and for safety reasons, Middle School students will dress out in a PE uniform each day.
Health 9 Weeks Total Skills for Health and Wellness Injury and Violence Prevention Emotional and Social Health Drug Use Prevention Nutrition Disease Prevention (8 th Grade) Human Growth and Development Units include: