3 CDBG Disaster Recovery Dams and Levees Program Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Applications can be found on the website. Go to www. in Applications can be found on the website. Go to www.in.gov/ocra and then click on Disaster Recovery on the left.
Eligibility County qualified as disaster area in 2008: DR-1740, DR-1766, DR-1795 Eligible projects will either have sustained damage in a disaster or be vital to the long-term recovery of the area. Applicants must be in a county declared a federal disaster in 2008. You MUST be able to justify the importance of the project to the long-term recovery of the applicant.
NOT ELIGIBLE: LaGrange, Steuben, Miami, Howard, Wells, Blackford, Delaware, Tipton, Clinton and Warren. This is for Disaster Recovery 2 ONLY.
General Information One project per applicant May not be on the CDBG findings/ineligible list CFF/PL grant limits do not apply Must meet LMI or Urgent Need FEEPS No required match Actual grant amounts are determined on a case by case basis and the amount of assistance will be dependent upon the evaluation factors Only one project per applicant. No Overdue reports, SBA findings, etc. Current with all other CDBG projects. CFF/PL grant limits do not apply. Can either meet LMI or Urgent Need. LMI projects will be given priority. All CFF readiness requirements will be the same for this program. Financing, Environmental, Engineering, Permits, Site Control Requirements: Site visit, ER prior to application, all other readiness factors, Labor Standards, etc. No required match. More on this later.
Application Specifics Applications Accepted Beginning: January 4, 2010 Non-Competitive Only one (1) original application required Projects/applications will be evaluated using the following criteria: Extent of damage caused by a 2008 storm event; The importance of the project to post disaster recovery of the applicant The DNR assessed hazard level; High Significant The percentage of low-to-moderate income persons served The relative economic distress of the applicant $25MM for program Applications will be accepted beginning January 4, 2010. This is a NOT competitive program. Applications that meet the minimum requirements will be reviewed by OCRA and DNR and awarded based on the criteria. EVALUATION: Only Dams that are ranked as High or Significant will be considered. High risk Dams will be weighted more heavily in evaluation. This does not mean that Significant dams will not be funded. All factors will be considered. Levees that are on the DNR list of "Publicly Owned Levees currently under FEMA consideration for Provisional Accreditation“ will be given priority. This does not necessarily preclude a Levee not on this list from applying. MATCH: There is no match requirement for the Dams/Levees Program. However, a local match will be considered in the evaluation of the project. There is no mathematical formula. The committee will be reviewing the applicants ability to provide any local match and it will be considered in the “importance to post disaster recovery” criteria.
Application Requirements Project Description and Justification Must include detailed description of project activities, including how it fits with the overall long-term recovery efforts of the applicant. Must match detailed budget Must not include normal maintenance costs Force Account Labor Must be approved by OCRA in advance The narrative should discuss how this project will benefit the actual beneficiaries. The narrative should discuss the impact a breach will have on the applicant. How does it fit with other long-term recovery goals. Remember, CDBG will not pay for maintenance or repairs. Do not use these words in the application or you will get it back. This program is for major rehabilitation of dams and levees.
Application Requirements Appendix B Information See Handouts: Information needed for Dams Information needed for Levees Cover Letter with Applicant Name and Project Name Signed and Stamped by project Engineer Please see the Handouts you received for Dams and Levees rehabilitation. This is information that is to be provided in Appendix B. IN ADDITION, this information needs to also be provided separately in a bound report. It should have a cover letter with the Applicants Name, Project Name and be signed and stamped by the engineer/architect. It must be submitted together with the completed application.
Floodplain and Wetland Management If any part of the project is located within a 100 year floodplain or in a wetland… HUD 8-step decision making process This process must be documented and kept in the ER file
Floodplain and Wetland Management 1. Determine if proposed project is in a base floodplain or in a wetland FEMA map Wetland map- http://www.fws.gov/wetlands/Data/Mapper.html If no maps available use the best available information Categorically Excluded and Assessed projects are not excluded from this process
HUD 8 Step Process 2. Publish “early” notice of proposal to allow public to consider and comment on action (FONSI cannot be published until after 15 day comment period has expired) 3. Evaluate practicable alternatives to locating project in a floodplain or wetland 4. Identify potential direct and indirect impacts associated with project occupancy and modification of floodplain or wetland See 24 CFR Part 55
HUD 8 Step Process (con’t) Design or modify actions to minimize adverse impacts and preserve floodplain Reevaluate whether proposed action is practicable/feasible in light of flood hazards and costs of minimization Publish final notice of decision, identify why there is “ no practicable alternative” and mitigation measures adopted (can be combined with FONSI notice.) Obtain approval (receive RROF/C) and implement action with mitigation See 24 CFR Part 55
Detailed Budget Pages CDBG OTHER
Grant Administration OCRA Certified Grant Administrator required. May procure by small purchase method: Must be $50,000 or less Includes labor standards & Environmental Review if applicable Must Contact 3 qualified sources to solicit quotes Firm/Person must respond in writing Quotes may be faxed, e-mailed, hand delivered or mailed Respondents must be allowed 5 days minimum to respond Must maintain records documenting date, time, & persons solicited/respondents YOU MUST HAVE A CERTIFIED GRANT ADMINISTRATOR ON ALL OCRA CDBG APPLICATIONS. You may use Small Purchase under certain circumstances. You received a copy of the policy and a sample of a “request for quote” when you checked in. You may contact GAs by phone, email, writing, in person, etc. You should have received a handout with the approved Small Purchase procurement process for DR2 projects. The use of small purchase has ONLY been approved for DR projects.
Grant Administration General Administration Environmental Review Two and one-half percent (2.5%) of Grant Amount Environmental Review $3,000 maximum Labor Standards (based on Total Project Cost) Up to $2,000,000 $5,000 $2,000,001 - $5,000,000 $7,000 $5,000,001 and up $9,000 THIS IS FOR DR2 ONLY.
Income Surveys Good for 6 years from original date of certification Original Certification – January 2007 Survey Expires – January 2013 Responses are good for 6 years MUST include signed certification letter and recertification (if applicable) This is an exception for Disaster Recovery Only
Income Surveys Grant Administrators should verify: Service area (beneficiaries) match survey area The survey properly completed Community information Proper # of responses Consistency throughout the survey
Public Hearing/Resolution Documentation Applicant MUST advertise public hearing notice a minimum of 10 days prior to meeting. Hearing MUST take place prior to application Application Must Include: Original Publishers Affidavit Original/Signed Public Hearing Minutes thoroughly document meeting Authorization to Conduct Hearings (if applicable) Original Sign-in Sheet Original Resolutions
Compliance Status Applications will not be approved if the applicant is not in compliance with all requirements of any previous or current CDBG grant.
Post Award Deadlines Environmental Release Deadline – two months Publish locally Submit documentation to OCRA Bid Deadline – six months IFB Notice (original) Proof of Publication Certified Bid Tabulation ROF Deadline – eight months See checklist on website Do not start construction until you have received ROF (we will find out!)
Post Award Deadlines Claims will not be processed until Grant Support has received the following documents: Notice of Contract Award Start of Construction Notice (do not submit until you have actually started construction) Wage/Fringe Benefit Certifications
Grant Reporting Requirements Semi-Annual Reports required The same reporting and monitoring process as CFF will be in effect. If you do not know what these are, Grant Support or your Administrator can discuss with you.
You should make contact with your CL for a site visit as soon as possible if you intend to apply for this program.
Contact DNR Department of Natural Resources Shelley Reeves 402 West Washington Street W256 Indianapolis, IN 46204 317-234-1072 SReeves@dnr.IN.gov
Contact OCRA Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs One North Capitol, Suite 600 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 800.824.2476 www.ocra.IN.gov