These modalities are used to examine different body parts which include: Skeletal system (body bones) Soft tissues Using Contrast Media a- Gastro Intestinal Tract (GIT) and its accessories (esophagus - Stomach – small intestine – large intestine – Salivary glands) b- Urinary System (Two kidneys – Ureters – Urinary Bladder - Urethra) c- Respiratory System (Lungs – Trachea - Bronchi) d- Vascular System (Arteries – Veins) e- Breast
2- Computed Tomography It is an equipment that uses x-rays to obtain a 3D Radiographic image of the body part examined using it in different body planes ( Axial Plane – Coronal Plane which is used only in Sinus examinations) CT was developed independently by a British engineer named Sir Godfrey Hounsfield and Dr. Alan Cormack. It has become a mainstay for diagnosing medical diseases. For their work, Hounsfield and Cormack were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in 1979. It also includes the fact that the internal structure of any three-dimensional subject can be reconstructed from many different projections or views of that subject. This fact necessitates the collection of large amounts of specific data to reconstruct an accurate picture of the original structure.
CT unit consists of:- The scan unit The scan unit is usually housed in a room by itself and is the part of the computed tomographic system seen by the patient. This room is often termed the treatment room or scanner room. It contains: Gantry which contains (x-ray tube – Detectors) Movable Table Automatic Injector The operator control console. It is the room at which the operator can manage the CT examination required It Contains; Computer Automatic Processing Unit
Computed Tomography or CT are used in different radiological examinations which includes: CT Brain CT Abdomen CT Pelvis CT Sinus CT Knee CT of lower and upper extremes CT Angiography
Mammography It is the equipment that uses low-energy X-rays (usually around 30 kVp) to examine the human breast for diagnosis and screening. The goal of mammography is the early detection of breast cancer, typically through detection of characteristic masses or micro calcifications. Like all X-rays, mammograms use doses of ionizing radiation to create images. These images are then analyzed for any abnormal findings. It is normal to use lower-energy X-rays, typically Mo (K-shell x-ray energies of 17.5 and 19.6 keV) and Rh (20.2 and 22.7 keV) than those used for radiography of bones.
Components of mammography includes:- C-arm combinational head (contains x-ray tube) X-ray film box Breast compressor Wire outlet Control panel Automatic developer