Thematic studies suggested on: Trees outside forest Trends related to genetic diversity NWFPs removals Informal removals of wood fuel Mangroves, protection and functions that are not yet included in FRA Evaluation of economic value of disturbances (case studies) Sustainable wood production (growth drain balance) Techniques to report on forest values (all) Identification of sustainable variables related to forest health and vitality Information sources related to employment Defining methodology and approaches for assessing and reporting on fragmentation and degradation
AG’s prioritised list of thematic/special studies Trees outside forest Policy Legal and Institutions NWFPs removals Informal removals of wood fuel Information sources related to employment Sustainable wood production (growth drain balance) Techniques to report on forest values (all) Mangroves, protection and functions that are not yet included in FRA Trends related to genetic diversity Defining methodology and approaches for assessing and reporting on fragmentation and degradation Identification of sustainable variables related to forest health and vitality Evaluation of economic value of disturbances (case studies)
Comment on list of thematic studies Input from UNECE ToS Comment on list of thematic studies Identification of potential lead organizations and contributors