Senada Dizdar Faculty of Philosophy Sarajevo Department of Comparative Literature and Librarianship Lejla Hajdarpašić Faculty of.


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Presentation transcript:

Senada Dizdar Faculty of Philosophy Sarajevo Department of Comparative Literature and Librarianship Lejla Hajdarpašić Faculty of Philosophy Sarajevo Department of Comparative Literature and Librarianship

Introduction The usage of the information and communication technologies (ICT) in the field of education, brought the need for a both thorough and lifelong educational reorganization. In addition to marketing, which necessarily requires changes in education, there are first-generation students known as "digital natives" who also require changes to be adopted. Today's students are native speakers of the digital computer languages, video games and the Internet (Marc Prensky, 2005).

Introduction Inspired by all these demands and ICT progress many projects incured with the goal of creating a strong e- learning community. As a result a whole range of new media and communication channels are created. The most important format of storing and managing these materials are digital repositories of educational material that have special values because they store learning objects.

Constructive Aproach to Education Usage of new technologies in the field of education raised a new paradigm of education based on the constructive interpretation of education. Knowledge is not passively received through the senses or communication, but it is created from an active thinking object (Špiranec, 2007, 15).

New information is integrating into the existing knowledge, it makes changes in the existing structure of knowledge, and (while integrating) gets additional quality (Ewert and Thomas,2001, 56). Knowledge Information Data

Constructive Aproach to Education Traditional learning is understood that a knowledge which is located outside the individual needs to be well explained to the student. New constructivist way of learning explains that education cannot be reduced to the level of information which comes from outside sources, yet it is ongoing and active process of construction.

Constructive Aproach to Education The constructivist movement fundamentally changes the role of participations in education (in the center is one who learns) and seeks to create a new "learning environment" that encourages the ones who are learning (Špiranec, 2007, 17). Therefor we recognize complementarity between constructivism and technology models: role of computer technology is to provide an environment for constructive learning process.

Educational Process and Information Sources Should the introduction of Web technologies in educational process experience a boom will depend on the availability of quality digital learning sources. Digital age has changed the nature of flowing information sources therefor it is justified to speak about the evolution of information sources or information objects.

Knowledge Objects Learning objects Information Objects

Educational Process and Information Sources As an important place for storing the learning objects, digital repositories are emerging. The creation of educational sources influence the entire educational process and allow conceptualist movement in education to become more present in the wider academic community. One of many systems that supports learning at the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo is BISER (Sarajevo University Library Electronic Repository).

Open Resource Models BISER is a system for distance learning which has been found on the system for managing online learning (LSE, Learning Management System) called MOODLE (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment). Moodle characteristics: - compatible, - flexible, - easy to modify, - can be installed and run on any computer platform, - supports two bases: MySQL and PostgreSQL, - includes a large number of languages, - very simple and quick installation, - easily integrates into existing systems.

Open Resource Models It is particularly important to stess out that the use or installation and maintenance of Moodle does not require huge financial investments. Moodle provides full computer support in organization, planning activities and execution of online courses, and is particularly effective as a supplement to traditional teaching in the classroom (blended learning).

Open Resource Models All files that are entered into the system can be copied, modified, deleted, and compressed using a special module for managing files (File Manager). In Moodleu there are several types of course structure, three are most important: - a thematic form - weekly form and - social form.

BISER – example of good practice The starter and developer of BISER system for distance learning is the Department of Comparative Literature and Librarianship at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo. Implementation of distance learning system is the result of a long- standing successfull cooperation with the Department of Library and Information Science at University of Zagreb. The implementation has begun in February of 2009 BISER officially became active and set in use on March 18th, 2009.

BISER – example of good practice Within a short period (March 2009, till May 2010) during the test phase the system included four sections with the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo: - Department of Comparative Literature and Librarianship, - Department of Slavic Languages and Literature, - Department of Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian language, and - Department of Literature of Peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina

BISER – example of good practice The evaluation which was made after a period of one year provides the following information: 139 users 18 teacher / assistants 26 online courses (some of the exists only online) about 1GB (955 KB) course materials.

Conclusion Technology has significantly changed all spheres of human activity. In the education sector it has transformed the practice of European Universities contributing the implementation of the Bologna process. The implementation of new technologies into traditional learning environment has resulted the creation of virtual environments and has changed the old education model that was focused on teacher into a new model that has students in its center. The usage of technology changed the way of recording knowledge and shifted the boundaries of thinking (especially in social and humanities sciences). Combined or hybrid learning, blended learning appears to be the most successful form of learning (particularly in the form of a system for distance learning).

Conclusion The introduction of technology in education is promoting learning in accordance with the needs and demands of a new generation of students who grow up in a network environment. Implementation of the BISER has enabled the appearance of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo in all major e- education environments. The implementation of the BISER: - provides major social and educational role of the Faculty; - creates a new communication tool for the active cooperation of teaching staff and students; - enables and encourages lifelong learning.

Thank you!