The Role of Education in Preparing a Competitive Labor Force in Latin America Jessica Goepfert Jennifer Kooken Karen Nevins Elise Plunkett Heather Vincola
IMAGINE... You have 5 years of education Your school building is falling apart You are using 1960 curriculum Your teacher has 11 years of education You have old textbooks (if you have any at all)
Importance of Education Education is the key to promoting equitable and sustainable economic growth Raises the level of human and intellectual capital Raises the level of human and intellectual capital Enhances productivity Enhances productivity Develops autonomous and informed citizens Develops autonomous and informed citizens
Historic Role of Education Latin America (Late 1800s - Early 1900s) Time Period EconomicGoal Role of Education Late 1800s - Early 1900s Early 1900s Export Modernization; National education systems; Focus on development in urban areas; Industrial innovation
A Look at Argentina
Historical Role of Education Latin America (1930s s) Time Period EconomicGoal Role of Education Late 1800s - Early 1900s Export Modernization; National education systems; Focus on development in urban areas; Industrial innovation 1930s s ISI Government spending; Develop skilled labor force to support ISI
A Look at Argentina
Historical Role of Education Latin America (1950s s) Time Period EconomicGoal Role of Education Late 1800s - Early 1900s Export Modernization; National education systems; Focus on development in urban areas; Industrial innovation 1930s sISI Government spending; Develop skilled labor force to support ISI 1950s s EconomicExpansion Emphasis on technology and science; Focus on quality rather than equality; Elite & gender gap
A Look at Argentina
Historical Role of Education Latin America (1970s s) Time Period EconomicGoal Role of Education Late 1800s - Early 1900s Export Modernization; National education systems; Focus on development in urban areas; Industrial innovation 1930s sISI Government spending; Develop skilled labor force to support ISI 1950s s Economic Expansion Emphasis on technology and science; Focus on quality rather than equality; Elite & gender gap 1970s s InternationalExpansion Growth despite oil crisis; Expand access to education; Back to basics focus on primary & secondary
A Look at Argentina
Historical Role of Education Latin America (1980s s) Time Period EconomicGoal Role of Education Late 1800s - Early 1900s Export Modernization; National education systems; Focus on development in urban areas; Industrial innovation 1930s sISI Government spending; Develop skilled labor force to support ISI 1950s s Economic Expansion Emphasis on technology and science; Focus on quality rather than equality; Elite & gender gap 1970s s International Expansion Growth despite oil crisis; Expand access to educ.; Back to basics focus on primary & secondary 1980s s Survival Decrease in spending (reforms of 60s & 70s not implemented); Privatization & decentralization
A Look at Argentina
Current Educational Issues in Latin America Quality: Quality: Teacher shortages in rural areas; under- educated Teacher shortages in rural areas; under- educated 15% of all children repeat grades 15% of all children repeat grades Outdated curriculum Outdated curriculum Poor infrastructure Poor infrastructure Equality: Gender Rural vs. urban areas Private vs. public
Current Role of Education in Latin America
Current Reforms in Latin America Increased spending: Increased spending: Government spending increased 25% in past 10 years Government spending increased 25% in past 10 years In 1998, Brazil spent $3B on education and made districts more accountable In 1998, Brazil spent $3B on education and made districts more accountable Corporate sponsorship of schools is being looked at in Brazil Corporate sponsorship of schools is being looked at in Brazil Decentralization of decision-making: Decentralization of decision-making: More community and parent involvement at local level More community and parent involvement at local level
Current Reforms in Latin America Use of Technology: Use of Technology: Use of interactive TV to help teachers reach children in remote areas Use of interactive TV to help teachers reach children in remote areas Telescundaria in Mexico, Enlaces in Chile & TELAR in ArgentinaTelescundaria in Mexico, Enlaces in Chile & TELAR in Argentina Radio programs have proven to be cost effective in Nicaragua, Venezuela and Costa Rica Radio programs have proven to be cost effective in Nicaragua, Venezuela and Costa Rica Costa Rica is bringing computer labs to all classrooms Costa Rica is bringing computer labs to all classrooms Use of distance learning for students & teachers Use of distance learning for students & teachers
Current Reforms in Latin America Student Training & Mentoring Programs: Student Training & Mentoring Programs: In Colombian rural areas, older children tutor younger ones In Colombian rural areas, older children tutor younger ones OAS & Mercosur region have both encouraged job training programs OAS & Mercosur region have both encouraged job training programs Teacher Training: Teacher Training: Offer enhanced classroom management skills Offer enhanced classroom management skills Raise the bar to tertiary level training Raise the bar to tertiary level training
Current Reforms in Latin America Curriculum Changes: Curriculum Changes: Incorporate creativity to stimulate learning Incorporate creativity to stimulate learning New topics related to rural life are being created (study of soil erosion) New topics related to rural life are being created (study of soil erosion) Creation of indigenous education program in 1998 to promote multiculturalism Creation of indigenous education program in 1998 to promote multiculturalism Emphasis on math and science Emphasis on math and science Industry-tied curriculum (vocational skills training) Industry-tied curriculum (vocational skills training)
A Look at Argentina: Issues Decentralization to districts and provinces negatively impacted education: Decentralization to districts and provinces negatively impacted education: Less money for educational infrastructure Less money for educational infrastructure Teachers making less money Teachers making less money Lack of accountability at local level Lack of accountability at local level Drop-out rate at 14% Drop-out rate at 14% Poorer communities suffer disproportionately Poorer communities suffer disproportionately
A Look at Argentina: Reforms Neoliberal reform under Menem Neoliberal reform under Menem Reduced state role in economic development Reduced state role in economic development Cut $280M from education budget to pay debt Cut $280M from education budget to pay debt New hope under de la Rua New hope under de la Rua Ended tent of dignity teachers strike Ended tent of dignity teachers strike Passed tax bill to raise $600M for education Passed tax bill to raise $600M for education Increased teacher salaries ($200 - $300/ month) Increased teacher salaries ($200 - $300/ month)
Key Success Factors Consensus among key stakeholders: Consensus among key stakeholders: Increased parental and community participation Increased parental and community participation Commitment of local and national businesses Commitment of local and national businesses Stable or increasing government spending Stable or increasing government spending Further exploration of non-traditional teaching methods Further exploration of non-traditional teaching methods Provide better training and incentives for teachers Provide better training and incentives for teachers
Imagine the possibilities...