ME 123 Computer Applications I Lecture 11: More on For loop 3/27/03
ME 123 Computer Applications I Reminder Program 1 due tomorrow before class Lecture 11 ME 123 Computer Applications I
Recapitulation of Lecture 10 In the last lecture, we learned the for loop structure combination of for loop, if statements and function programs can solve a large variety of engineering problems Make use of the else option to reduce you typing and, more importantly, chances of making mistake Always end an if statement by an end statement Difference between elseif and else commands if Condition1 is true perform Operation1 elseif Condition2 is true perform Operation2 else perform operation3 end Lecture 11 ME 123 Computer Applications I
ME 123 Computer Applications I Road Map of Lecture 11 Solutions to HW 3-2 More practice problems on using the for loop Partial sum Prime number finder Lecture 11 ME 123 Computer Applications I