AHK Services in Vocational Education and Training Morgenrunde 7.5.2019
Worldwide Chamber Network 130 locations in 90 countries 79 offices in Germany 29.08.2019
German VET – Key Element IHK Chambers of Commerce are responsible as “competent bodies” by law (VET act from 1969/2005) for organization, registration, examination, certification on a national level for quality assurance throughout the whole training process for representing and organizing the companies needs, interests and inputs – in co-operation with business associations IHKs guarantee VET standards and quality by organizing and certifying VET 29.08.2019
Overall Objectives of our Activities Business Promotion – in Germany and worldwide Extension of bilateral Business Relations Development of Locations for Business Spreading and Establishing the Idea and Method of dual Vocational Education and Training Strengthening the Private Sector as regards the role of Business Chambers and Associations 29.08.2019
Role of AHKs in vocational education Offer Locally established Local dual VET following the German approach Classification of VET into several quality categories Internationally standardized training of in-company trainers Examination based on German assessment tasks Award of homogeneous certificates as quality brand for German VET Closely linked to Germany and the IHK-Network Access to IHK-VET know-how Client & Partners Showroom for dual VET “made in Germany” Companies VET companies VET schools VET institutes Political bodies, chambers and business association Platform AHK System consultancy for institutions and politics 29.08.2019
German VET – The “Dual System” 350 standard curricula defined by sector experts and decreed by the federal government Specialized occupation Specialized but broadly Occupations cutting employable occupations across different branches 29.08.2019
Quality Certification Target: internationally comparable AHK-service portfolio Ongoing development and usage of quality standards Starting point: three DIHK-quality categories German dual VET in foreign countries Local dual VET following the German example Local dual qualification adapted to the German system 29.08.2019
AdA International: One Concept – two Versions Full Version German dual VET in foreign countries Local dual VET closely related to German Standards AdA-International Basic Version 29.08.2019
Thank you for your attention! For more information please refer to: Mona Ayoub, Head of VT Department mona.ayoub@ahk-mena.com 29.08.2019