Tenant Billing, Submetering, and After Hours Control TenantEye Slide 1: 1. My name is Aaron Hansen 2. I'm the Chief Software Architect at CSI3 3. We are a new company and we develop drivers and applications for Niagara AX platform. 4. Today I'd like to demonstrate our tenant billing and submetering application called TenantEye Slide 2: Features In a nutshell Tenanteye: 1. Is a browser based application 2. You can have an unlimited number of uniquely configured suites, meaning each suite can have a different set of meters 3. There is an extensive palette of meters. 4. There are many invoicing options 5. There is also a simple web interface that has been optimized for smartphones 6. And it works with any Niagara AX brand. 7. In fact I know of two jobs where it is installed on Johnson Fx40's, I think both are two between 10 and 15 suites. So it is isn't a resource hog either. Slide 3: Browser based 1. TenantEye is a browser based application. 2. It uses embedded workbench and for the most part is a stand alone application, 3. HOWEVER an external link can be added to the toolbar so users can navigate out of TenantEye if integration with other graphics is desired. 4. From the browser, property managers can - change tenants - add, edit and remove users - configure meters such as names, units and rates - and create and edit invoices 5. There are two types of tenants - Tenant Managers - can edit billing information - add and edits users in their suite - view invoices - There are also non-managorial tenants who along with managers can schedule overrides ** if you have schedulable meters. Slide 4: Unlimited Number of suites 1. The application is licensed by the number of suites. There is no limit to the number of suites other than hardware constraints. 2. This image shows the property managers view of three suites. Each of these suites and has a variable number of different meters. Slide 5: Extensive metering capabilities 0. We offer many metering options 1. There are meters with boolean inputs 2. others with numeric inputs 3. and even more are schedulable 4. Some meters are fixed rate, others use a Niagara Numeric schedule for complex rate schedules. 5. And there are many combinations of these types 6. For example - there a meter that can only be scheduled - there is another meter that has a numeric input and it is scheduled so you could charge for kwh consumption only during the override - And there are two permuations of that: fixed rate and rate scheduled 7. I should add that meters are what needs to be pasted and linked up with workbench. 8. Property managers can change tenants in suites. But if the space is reconfigured the SI will need to come and relink the meters. 9. All the meters have a boolean output that when the meter is in a billable state, the output is true for equipment control. Slide 6: Invoicing Options 1. There are a variety of invoicing options 2. Invoices can be manually generated, or they can be put on an automatic schedule and mailed to multiple email recipients. 3. Property managers can customize email subject and body text 4. And they can add text to the invoice, such as payment terms and misc notes 5. There are three fee lines and the description of each fee is free form so there are really many more ways for owners to recoup operational costs 6. And finally there is also a minimum invoice option. 7. All of these configurable by the owner or property manager through the browser. Slide 7: Invoice 1. The invoice itself can be viewed as shown in the browser. The white area is what gets converted to a PDF document by either emailing, or clicking the export button there on the bottom toolbar. 2. The invoice basically shows a rollup for each meter for the billing period and currently there can be up to 16 meters on the invoice. Believe it or not there is customer with 18 meters in one suite, they are so happy they don't care if two aren't showing. 3. Also, with the emailed invoice is a csv document containing all of the individual charges. On the screen shown, you could scroll down to see that table and manually export it as well. Slide 8: Smart Phone Interface 1. There is a smart phone interface. 2. What this is, is a lightweight web interface designed for a small screen such as a pda or mobile phone. 3. This is important since many users expect a phone-in option. However, the cost of adding a voice feature would be high and if you're familiar with other tbs applications you know how expensive they can be. This is a viable alternative that allows you to offer offer a better bid because pricing on this product is very competitive. Slide 9: Future enhancements 1. For the future our goal is to allow invoice customization by the the SI. We really want to show all 18 meters for that customer, ** they uh, have many more properties... 2. We are also planning an enterprise scale version that would allow multiple properties to be managed from a single survey and offer more advanced invoicing features such as integration with enterprise applications and the ability to disable delinquint accounts. Slide 10: Conclusion 1. TenantEye, and all of our products, can be run in timed trial mode. Entire applications can be safely built in this mode and once you know exactly what you need, in this case the number of suites, you can order the appropriate license from your distributor. 2. You can find the distributor in your area by visiting our website at at www.csicubed.com 3. Or sending an email to sales@csicubed.com where we can answer questions and direct you to the appropriate distributor. 4. We have a training presentation for this product and are always available to give it and help you quickly engineer your job. 5. Thank you for your time, and thanks to Tridium for this opportunity. We hope you'll come visit our booth at the Niagara Summit for some cool schwag and hopefully some cool new products too. Tenant Billing, Submetering, and After Hours Control
TenantEye Features Browser based application Unlimited number of unique suites Extensive metering capabilities Flexible invoicing options Smart phone interface Works with any NiagaraAX Brand Vykon, Johnson Controls, Honeywell, Staefa, etc.
TenantEye Browser Based Stand-alone application Property Managers Limited integration with custom graphics Property Managers Change tenants User management Meter configuration Invoice creation and management Tenants Schedule overrides View invoices
TenantEye Unlimited Number of Unique Suites (Tenants)
TenantEye Extensive Metering Capabilities Boolean and Numeric Schedulable Fixed and Scheduled Rates *Meters created and linked in Workbench
TenantEye Invoicing Options Automatic schedule Multiple Recipients Custom email text Custom invoice text 3 custom fees Minimum invoice
TenantEye Invoice PDF CSV Single page bill Up to 16 meters per suite Line items Overriding users
TenantEye Smart Phone Interface Simple, fast loading, HTML page http://<host>/tenant
TenantEye Future Enhancements Invoice customization PropertyEye Manage multiple properties Invoice tracking Disabling delinquent accounts New reports Enterprise integration
Get timed trial copy from your distributor today! http://www.csicubed.com sales@csicubed.com