Precision autophagy. Precision autophagy. (A) Precision autophagy is a receptor-regulator-based form of autophagy. A receptor-regulator protein (such as members of the TRIM family) has the ability to recognize targets directly, often without tags such as ubiquitin or galectins, and assembles regulators and effectors of autophagy to mediate precision (highly selective) autophagy. (B) Conventional selective autophagy is mediated by autophagic receptors that recognize targets through generic tags, such as ubiquitin or galectins, while also binding mammalian (m)Atg8 proteins that connect them to autophagic membranes. (C) Nonselective (bulk) autophagy sequesters mixtures of cytoplasmic components, including cytosol. Tomonori Kimura et al. J Cell Sci 2016;129:881-891 © 2016. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd