Leeds Education Hub Leeds City Council
What is The Leeds Education Hub? The site for sharing information between schools and LCC It replaces the information on 4heads, InfoBase, and collaboration zones It also provides a link to the applications currently on InfoBase Leeds City Council
Site Design The site was designed by Children’s Services and school representatives Leeds City Council
Site Layout You can view the information you want based on your role Or you can view the information by service area (e.g. HR, learning improvement, finance) Leeds City Council
The ‘4heads’ model Dependent on the feedback from schools The content on the themed areas will be shaped by schools feedback about what is important to them The site is specifically for sharing information between organisations involved in improving outcomes for children and young people across Leeds Leeds City Council
Accessing the site We send an invitation to a key contact in your school – leedseducationhub@leeds.gov.uk They can then send an invitation to anyone who wants to use the site to access information Staff and governors who want to use it need a school email address Leeds City Council
Key Dates Live on April 1st Guidance on how to use the site We will be running demonstration sessions throughout the city after the Easter Holidays (from April 22nd) Leeds City Council
Questions? leedseducationhub@leeds.gov.uk Leeds City Council