Experienced Clerk’s Panel Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Topics of Discussion 1. Gloria Leija, City Clerk, City of Casa Grande – Presentation on Overview of Nomination Process Offered to Candidates. 2. Sherry Aguilar, City Clerk, City of Surprise - Elections Communications with Candidates, Mayor & Council, City Departments, different types of social media during the election process. 3. Darcie McCracken, City Clerk, City of Goodyear – Succession Planning 4. Open Discussion - If a candidate makes a request for specific documents, are these documents provided to all candidates? What’s your process.
Communication and the Elections Process https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FfaPhCKZew&feature=youtu.be
Candidate Nomination Process – Casa Grande Formal Presentation Know your Community Phone-a-Friend
Candidate Nomination Process – Casa Grande Formal Presentation Who do you contact? City Clerk’s Office Disclosure Statement
Candidate Nomination Process – Casa Grande Formal Presentation Offices to be filled Mayor Three Council Seats Council Meeting Dates
Candidate Nomination Process – Casa Grande Formal Presentation Method used to determine who is elected Offer an example City of Surprise method for districts Qualifications to run for Mayor and Council Charter City Requirements
Candidate Nomination Process What to include when filing Nomination Paper Petition Financial Disclosure Statement of Organization Political signs
Elections Communication Different Types of Communication: City or Town Newsletter – The Surprise Progress Notify Me List – E-Mail Notifications City or Town Website City Clerk’s Office – Information Brochure Social Media – Facebook, Twitter, local newspapers, etc. Incumbent/Candidate Communications City Clerk Report at Council Meetings
Voter Outreach Displays throughout Community
Communication Methods Facebook/Twitter Posts Information Center
City Clerk’s Office Brochure
Candidate and Incumbent Communication We are not your attorney We are not your employee We are not your priest or therapist We will not take a side We are your best source of information Any question that may have a general interest to all candidates will be shared with all
Ask the audience How do you address candidate questions?
50-50 Raise your hand if you include others in your election planning Raise your hand if you don’t trust anyone to help you
Who do you trust?
Building Trust When asked a question - you don’t have to answer immediately (most of the time) Take the time to get the correct answer Share the answers with staff (FAQs) Have staff sit in when you have the important conversations
No woman (or man) is an island Build your team – even if it’s a team of one Share your FAQs with other departments to ensure the same message is being delivered
You are not alone!!!! Phone a Friend (don’t use listserve for sensitive questions) Ask the audience (without shopping around for an opinion) 50-50 – What works for you and your community
When it’s done - Celebrate!