Welcome to Fifth Grade
Essential Agreements Practice Kindness Respect Responsibility Rights a. ourselves b. each other c. our environment Responsibility a. We are responsible for ourselves and our learning b. We are responsible to each other Rights We have the right to: a. learn b. be listened to and heard c. be safe d. work without being distracted
Discipline/Consequences Where can I find this information? Agenda E – 1-2 cuts/week S – 2-3 cuts P – 4-6 cuts U – 7+ cuts (this will be an office referral) Automatic P in conduct and note home for being dishonest or cheating U in conduct and office referral for threatening another person’s safety (written, verbal, action) or theft
First Bell – 7:35am Tardy Bell – 7:45am Attendance/Tardies First Bell – 7:35am Tardy Bell – 7:45am Students not IN CLASS at 7:45 are marked tardy Attendance is taken at 9:30am daily. Students not IN CLASS at this time are marked absent for the day. Please email or send a note for absences as soon as possible. No note will equate to an unexcused absence.
Curriculum Schedule (subject to change…) MONDAY 7:45-8:45 Specials 9-10:30 MATH EDC & EDM 10:30-11:45 SCIENCE Lunch & Recess 1-2 Reading Workshop 2-3 History Alive TUESDAY 8:45-10:45 ELAR POETRY READING Workshops 10:45-11:45 History 1-2 SCIENCE Lab or Reading/Notes 2-3 MATH EDM WEDNESDAY 7:45-8:30 Electives 8:30-10:30 ELAR 10:30-11:45 MATH AIMS Problem Solving LUNCH EARLY DISMISSAL-12:45 THURSDAY FRIDAY
Literacy Writing Workshop Nancie Atwell Mini-lessons (grow from observations, what they don’t know, or need to know) Present ideas, lessons for: topics, territories: ways to develop ideas for pieces that matter to them and their readers principles: ways to think and craft to create meaningful, literary writing genres: free verse poetry, formatted poetry, essays, short stories, memoirs, and book reviews conventions: what readers eyes and minds need and expect Writing Conferring
Literacy Reading Workshop Non-Fiction and Content Area Reading IIM Mini-lessons comprehension strategies Monitor for meaning, using and creating schema, asking questions, determining importance, inferring, using sensory and emotional images, synthesizing literary elements Plot, characterization, setting, conflict writing about reading Book Club talking and thinking about books responding to books Non-Fiction and Content Area Reading science, social studies, math IIM Research and note taking
Math Where can I find their work? Math binder EDC 6th grade concepts Short daily activities EDM A spiral program from the University of Chicago Reaches beyond the basic concepts and will push every student to a higher math level. Journals, skill links, study links, and games are all part of the program EDM is on line for use at home or in school. www.everydaymathonline.com Games Games and activities that connect with objectives-log in binder Problem Solving One day a week devoted to hands on, minds on problem solving using AIMS activities Spacial math Brain teasers Patterns Strategies
Science Where can I find their work? Science Journal and Binder Earth FOSS Landforms & Topographic Maps IB: Exploration - landforms, maps, geology, geography IB: Alternative Energies – Earth’s resources AIMS Physical FOSS Mixtures and Solutions FOSS Solar Energy IB: Alternative Energies – Energy Life FOSS Environments IB: Ecosystems Process Labs: embedded throughout IB: Data
Social Studies American History is the focus for the social studies content in 5th grade. Social Studies Alive Exploration IB Exploration Planner IIM Research Government and Economics Colonization of New World Civil Unrest IB Planner
IB Connection Where We Are in Time and Place (Exploration) Sharing the Planet (Alternative Energy) How We Organize Ourselves (Data) How We Express Ourselves (Exhibition) How the World Works (Ecosystems) Who We Are (Civil Unrest)
Grading How to access Gradespeed. Go to: www.houstonisd.org and click on “PARENTS” “PSC LOGIN” and at the top of the page it will give information on how to create a new account and log in. Green paper folder
Homework Math – every night Reading Vocabulary Other… NOT OUR GOAL:
Important Dates NNAT – October 26th 5th Grade Camp - November 9-11th Exhibition - March 8th – 3:30 – 5:30 PM Field Trips - Energy Hall and Civil War Science Museum Graduation -TBA
Room Parent(s) Questions?