High Energy High Intensity Hadron Beams Network coordinated by W. Scandale and F. Zimmermann Input from L. Bottura, J.-P. Koutchouk, E. Laface, L. Rossi, D. Tommasini, K. Wittenburg, High Energy High Intensity Hadron Beams http://care-hhh.web.cern.ch/care-hhh/ CARE meeting CERN, September 12, 2007
CARE-HHH network Coordinate and integrate the activities of the accelerator and particle physics communities in a worldwide context, towards achieving superior High-Energy High-Intensity Hadron Beam facilities for Europe road map for the upgrade of the European accelerator infrastructure (LHC and GSI accelerator complex) coordinate activities and foster future collaborations dissemination and outreach WP1: Advancements in Accelerator Magnet Technologies (AMT) WP2: Novel Methods for Accelerator Beam Instrumentation (ABI) WP3: Accelerator Physics and synchrotron Design (APD) Participating institutes: CEA, CERN, CSIC-CIEMAT, CCLRC, DESY, GSI, INFN, PSI, TEU, WUT Associated institutes: CRPP, ENEA, TUBE, ESRF, UPSA, FZK, TEMF, US-LARP (BNL,FNAL,LBNL,SLAC), JINR, IHEP, KEK Additional collaborations: Texas A&M U., U. Geneva, U. Bologna
activities since April’07 Events: 1 HHH workshop was held in collaboration with US-LARP 3 workshops being organized (BEAM07, THERMOMAG and IR07) 1 symposium and a CERN-GSI-CARE meeting planned Dissemination and outreach: LUMI’06, ECL2 & 4th ABI workshop proceedings completed 5 presentations at LHC-detector upgrade workshops/symposia/meetings 2 seminars at SLAC and LBNL 1 invited and 1 contributed talk, and 9 papers presented at PAC07 3 HHH notes 1 article in CERN Bulletin HHH web sites maintained & developed Exchanges and education: 5 doctoral students contributing to CARE-HHH studies 3 EU summer students hired: 2 for the SC database and 1 for studies of intensity limitations in the LHC injectors
workshops since April ‘07 US-LARP CARE-HHH mini-workshop on beam-beam compensation, SLAC, USA, 2-4 July 2007, http://www-conf.slac.stanford.edu/larp
major presentations 1 Beam-Beam Compensation Workshop, SLAC 2-4 July ‘07 W. Scandale & F. Zimmermann, Head-On Compensation in LHC F. Zimmermann, Beam-Beam Effects for LHC and LHC Upgrade Scenarios F. Zimmermann, Open Issues from the SPS Long-Range Experiments J.-P. Koutchouk, Beam-Beam Aspect of a Possible Early-Separation Scheme U. Dorda, Technological Issues of Wire Compensators, and two other presentations
major presentations 2 PAC07, Albuquerque, 25-29 June, ‘07 F. Zimmermann, LHC Upgrade Scenarios W. Scandale, Observation of Proton Reflection on Bent Silicon Crystals at the CERN SPS (slides) E. Todesco, R. W. Assmann, R. de Maria, J.-P. Koutchouk, E. Metral, G. Sterbini, F. Zimmermann, A Concept for the LHC Luminosity Upgrade Based on Strong Beta* Reduction Combined with a Minimized Geometrical Luminosity Loss Factor E. Todesco, B. Bellesia, J.-P. Koutchouk, C. Santoni, Estimating Field Quality in Low-beta Superconducting Quadrupoles and its Impact on Beam Stability M. Aiba, M. Chanel, U. Dorda, R. Garoby, J.-P. Koutchouk, M. Martini, E. Metral, Y. Papaphilippou, W. Scandale, F. Zimmermann, V. Shiltsev, G. Franchetti, Space-Charge Compensation Options for the LHC Injector Complex, U. Dorda, F. Zimmermann, W. Fischer, V. Shiltsev, LHC Beam-Beam Compensation Using Wires and Electron Lenses R. Calaga, U. Dorda, R. Tomas, F. Zimmermann, K. Akai, K. Ohmi, K. Oide, Small Angle Crab Compensation for LHC IR Upgrade K. Ohmi, R. Calaga, W. Hofle, R. Tomas, F. Zimmermann, Beam-Beam Effect with an External Noise in LHC E. Benedetto, G. Rumolo, D. Schulte, R. Tomas, F. Zimmermann, G. Franchetti, K. Ohmi, M. Pivi, T. Raubenheimer, W. Fischer, K. Sonnad, J.-L. Vay, Modeling Incoherent Electron Cloud Effects
other key presentations HCP2007 Elba, 29 May 2007 W. Scandale and F. Zimmermann, Scenarios for sLHC and vLHC (slides), ALICE Seminar, 30 April 2007 W. Scandale, H8-RD22 Experiment: Progress on Ion Beam Focusing with Bent Crystals, IoP Half-Day Meeting on Super-LHC, Liverpool 27 June 2007 J.-P. Koutchouk, LHC Accelerator Upgrade, Meeting on Machine-Experiment Interface Issues for the LHC Luminosity Upgrade, 24 July 2007 F. Zimmermann, W. Scandale, LHC Machine Upgrade Parameters,
deliverables & milestones compared with original plan 2004: HHH & HHH-APD web site => OK 2005: creation of first web-based beam dynamics code repository => OK http://oraweb.cern.ch:9000/pls/hhh/code_website.startup 2006: web based database for s.c. cables and magnets => OK, 80% complete http://sdb.web.cern.ch/sdb milestones: web reference for IR optics => OK http://care-hhh.web.cern.ch/care-hhh/SuperLHC_IRoptics/IRoptics.html booster synchrotron optics => delayed to 2007 structured list of intensity limits => nearing completion scaling laws for magnet and cryogenic cost => 2007 4 summer students + 1 doctoral student 2 summer students
recent publications after April steering meeting J.-P. Koutchouk, L. Rossi, E. Todesco, A Solution for Phase-One Upgrade of the LHC Low-Beta Quadrupoles Based on Nb-Ti, April 2007, CARE-Note-2007-006-HHH W. Scandale et al, High-Efficiency Volume Reflection of an Ultrarelativistic Proton Beam with a Bent Silicon Crystal, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 154801, CARE-pub-07-001 (2007) O. Brüning, R. De Maria, R. Ostojic, Low Gradient, Low Gradient, Large Aperture IR Upgrade Options for the LHC Compatible with Nb-Ti Magnet Technology, CARE-Note-2007-007-HHH R. Garoby, M. Benedikt, A. Fabich, F. Gerigk, Comparison of Options for the Injector of PS2, CERN-AB-2007-14, CARE-Note-2007-008-HHH G. Sterbini, D. Tommasini, J.-P. Koutchouk, Layout VERSION 1 for the Early Separation Scheme in ATLAS, AT-MCS Internal Note 2007-04
Accelerator Magnet Technologies WP1: Advancements in Accelerator Magnet Technologies (AMT)
Superconductors Database (SDB) http://sdb.web.cern.ch/sdb database structure complete web interfaces complete since January’07 collaboration with FNAL and BNL on magnet & cable data sharing automatic tools importing data from existing databases to SDB core were finalized with the help of two 2007 summer students Courtesy E. Laface
planned AMT workshop 19-20 November: CARE-HHH-AMT workshop on Heat Generation and Heat Transfer in Superconducting Magnets (THERMOMAG’07), Paris, 2 days minimizing and evacuating heat in the next generation of superconducting magnets for high intensity particle accelerators, such as the IR magnet for the LHC luminosity upgrade and the fast cycling magnets for FAIR and for the LHC injector chain upgrade; identify the state of the art on (1) cooling techniques (fluids and regimes), (2) heat transfer mechanisms, (3) modeling of heat transfer from coils to cooling system, (4) heat transfer experiments; identify a common set of thermal design criteria http://care-hhh.web.cern.ch/CAREHHH/Workshops/ ProgThermomag.htm
Accelerator Beam Instrumentation WP2: Novel Methods for Accelerator Beam Instrumentation (ABI)
planned ABI workshop End of 2007: HHH-ABI annual workshop on Tools for Diagnostic Systems at High-Intensity (Pre-) Accelerators; Emittance Preservation and Measurements in the Accelerator Chain, GSI, Germany
and synchrotron Design WP3: Accelerator Physics and synchrotron Design (APD)
2007 crystal experiments Seven weeks of CERN SPS runs; goals: test multi-strip crystals, check the effect on ions; verify their fragmentation and e.-m. dissociation inside the crystal; test the effectiveness of crystal collimation Participating in the preparation of a crystal collimation experiment at FNAL Support: CARE-HHH , INTAS-CERN, INFN-NTA, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, CERN AB and AT Departments
intensity limits in LHC and LHC injectors various limitations explored by summer student Ibon Santiago Gonzalez (Guernica), 26 June – 15 September information gathered from experts (G. Arduini, C. Carli, M. Chanel, A. Hofmann, E. Metral, F. Pedersen, E. Shaposhnikova, B. Zotter, collimation team,…) information collected from literature (papers by E. Metral, F.J. Sacherer, K.Y. Ng,…) theory of longitudinal Landau damping further developed to include arbitrary bunch profile & 2nd harmonic rf; applications to PSB, PS, SPS, LHC mega-tables with machine parameters; extended web pages
2007 long-range beam-beam compensation experiments RHIC, MD in June 2007 - two wires used to model LHC LR effect in RHIC rings - strong effect of chromaticity on beam lifetime observed SPS, MDs in July and August 2007 - single wire used to model LHC LR effect in SPS - main observable: proton loss, beam lifetime - three beam energies 26, 37, 55 GeV explored to check scaling laws and extrapolation to LHC - lifetime vs wire current, beam-wire distance, chromaticity
SPS MD 24.07.07, current scans at 26 and 37 GeV relative loss 8.4s, 26 GeV tune corrected 8.6s, 37 GeV 10.0s, 37 GeV 14 mm distance ~ 8.4 sigma at 26 GeV 10.0 sigma at 37 GeV 12 mm distance ~ 8.6 sigma at 37 GeV lifetime 37 GeV/c data hint at a current threshold, while 26 GeV/c data do not → scaling behavior violated (26 GeV “special”?!)
chromaticity scans, 37 GeV constant 9 mm distance between beam and wire center ~ 6.5s at 37 GeV/c relative loss QV’ QH’ wire off lifetime wire off nonzero chromaticity together with wire strongly reduces lifetime → non zero chromaticity enhances effect of long-range collisions as in earlier RHIC study
APD exchanges collaborations with N. Mokhov (US-LARP), on heat deposition in low-b region for NbTi “low-gradient” IR optics solutions two graduate students (U. Dorda, G. Sterbini) participated in RHIC beam-beam compensation experiments for two weeks in June 2007, in the frame of HHH/US-LARP collaboration W. Scandale visited LBNL and FNAL for 1 week in July to discuss CARE-HHH and US-LARP issues, and future SPS+FNAL crystal experiments G. Franchetti (GSI) and M. Pivi (SLAC) will visit CERN for joint e-cloud studies in fall 2007
planned APD workshops 1-5 October: CARE-HHH-APD event BEAM’07 , CERN - mini-workshop on LHC Injectors Upgrade & FAIR PS2, SPS enhancements, GSI upgrades - CARE-HHH-APD CERN-GSI bi-lateral working meeting on Collective Effects–Theory and Experiments - mini-workshop on LHC Beam Parameters Upgrade beam parameters and upgrade scenarios; e.g. bunch spacing, operation with large Piwinski angle, luminosity performance - Francesco Ruggiero Memorial Symposium (Oct. 3) 7-9 November: APD workshop on Interaction Regions for LHC Upgrade, DAFNE & SuperB (IR'07), INFN Frascati, Italy new low-beta quadrupoles, detector-integrated dipoles and quadrupoles, crab cavities, wire compensation, experience with new DAFNE IR
Francesco Ruggiero Memorial Symposium 3 October 2007 during HHH-APD BEAM’07 Tentative speakers: S. Berg, C. Biscari, O. Bruning, M. Furman, K. Hirata, A. Mostacci, L. Palumbo, S. Petracca, W. Scandale, F. Zimmermann, B. Zotter,…
Gantt chart for next 18 months AMT and ABI
Gantt chart for next 18 months APD
Conclusions numerous high-impact workshops focused activities in many frontier areas - crystal collimation, slim magnets, e-cloud suppression, low-angle crab cavities, beam-beam compensation, novel optics design schemes, fast cycling s.c. magnets, new beam diagnostics results benefit global accelerator community - code repository, s.c. database, intensity limits enhanced dissemination & training effort - mutual visits between partner labs, publications, seminars, web pages, many summer students and graduate students HHH is “high-return investment for Europe”