Chapter 14 Health Promotion and Wellness
Basic Concepts of Health and Health Promotion Definitions of health and wellness Levels of prevention Primary Secondary Tertiary Health-promoting behaviors
Selected Definitions of Health Promotion and Wellness Professional health promotion: Organized actions or efforts that enhance, support, or promote the wellbeing or health of individuals, families, groups, communities, or societies Personal health promotion: Attain and maintain highest state of wellness, overall fitness, and self-actualization
Selected Definitions of Health Promotion and Wellness (cont.) High-level wellness: An integrated method of functioning that is oriented toward maximizing the potential of which the individual is capable Wellness is a state of being. Health promotion is how one gets there.
Community Health Promotion and Wellness Communities can be defined within geographic boundaries or as population groups with special needs or interests. Usually have systems in place, such as planning commissions or committees to identify what is high-level wellness for that group.
Factors Influencing Health Promotion and Wellness Changes in societal expectations Shifting sands of the healthcare delivery system U.S. government initiatives Public–private partnerships Growing consumerism and emphasis on self-care
Holistic Wellness: Self-Inventory of Personal Wellness Using the Medicine Model Medicine wheel: sacred symbol to almost all Native American tribes Spokes are defined as follows: Physical wellness Vocational wellness Psychological wellness Social wellness Emotional wellness Environmental wellness Spiritual wellness
The 4+ Model of Wellness Two layers, much like transparent plastic overlays Four domains of inner self: Intellectual Physical Emotional Spiritual (or spirit)