Basic Rules of School 1. Put forth your best effort at all times. 2. Respect the rights and properties of others, including school property. 3. Conduct yourself appropriately for school.
Basic Rules of School Cont 4. Accept responsibility for your actions. 5. Everyone has the right to an education. 6. Common courtesy requires that you are quiet, when someone else is talking.
Classroom Guidelines Arrive for class on time. 2. Come to class prepared; bring all necessary materials. (Locker sign-outs are limited) 3. Pay attention during class. 4. Exhibit mature behavior and attitude towards others. Horseplay is inappropriate in class. 5. With one minute left in the class period, you may stand by your desk.
Discipline Conduct yourself in an appropriate manner. Follow school rules. First detention is 15 minutes. Second detention is 30 minutes. After the second detention, further discipline will be handled through the office. Serious infractions will be referred to the office immediately without detentions.
Labs Eating and drinking are not allowed in this classroom. Gum is allowed. For safety reasons, no food or drink is allowed during lab times. Lab equipment is to be used during lab times only. All proper safety precautions will be used.
Agendas 1. Record daily assignments in your agenda. 2. Read all information concerning school rules and policies. 3. Trimester Hall Passes will be used for sign out purposes. School rules will apply.
Cell Phones and Electronic Devices This equipment is not to be SEEN, HEARD or USED in this classroom unless directed to do so by the teacher. Violations of the above rule will result in surrendering item to the teacher. It will then be turned into the office, and handbook discipline rules will apply.
Grades Turn all work in on time. In the case of excused absences, work needs to be turned in after returning to school. It is your responsibility to check on what happened while you were absent.
Late work Any homework not turned in at the appropriate class time will be considered late.’ Late work will be given a grade of 50 %. A maximum of three (3) late works may be turned in during the trimester.
Grades 3. Grades will be based on the following items: homework labs quizzes class work tests group work projects misc items of teacher choice
Grades Student and/or parents can check grades on Progressbook. Passwords for progressbook may be obtained by contacting Mr. Metz, assistant principal. Extra Credit points (bonus) are available on all quizzes and tests. Many other assignments also have extra credit points.
Consider The Following Ability is what you are capable of doing Motivation determines what you do Attitude determines how well you do it Lou Holtz
Have a Successful Trimester