Deciduous Dental Anatomy Comparative Descriptions To Permanent Dentition
Maxillary Primary Teeth
Maxillary Central Incisor No mamelons evident M-D crown width greater than I-C crown height (only anterior tooth with this characteristic)* M and D outlines exhibit more convexity than permanent
Maxillary central… Cingulum more prominent Lingual ridge a possibility Lingual fossa deeper M & D lingual fossae possible Marginal ridges more prominent Root is longer relative to crown height - triangular cross section
Maxillary central… Facial developmental depressions rare Incisal view: M-D width noticeably wider than F-L dimension (MD>IC>FL) shape Root deflected facially Concavity on mesial root surface CE line located more apically on lingual surface Incisal edge is slightly facial to mid-root axis
Maxillary Lateral Incisor Similar to primary central except: Crown is narrower M-D than I-C More incisal angle rounding More prominent marginal ridges - deeper fossa CE line more apically located on lingual M-D width greater than F-L (IC>MD>FL) (circular outline)
Maxillary Canine M-D, F-L and I-C crown dimensions nearly same* Outline diamond shape M and D heights of contour at same level with mesial possibly more cervical* Lingual CE line more apical than facial CE line Longest primary root* No facial developmental depressions (?)
Maxillary canine… M cusp ridge longer & flatter than D cusp ridge* (Cusp tip offset distally) Cingulum and lingual ridges prominent - ML and DL fossae Root deflected facially - triangular cross section Cusp tip is facial to mid-root axis
Maxillary First Molar Crown is unique - does not resemble any other molar* Crown morphology more similar to premolar’s Crown wider F-L than M-D Occlusal outline is 5-sided Prominent MF cervical bulge (ridge) An oblique ridge connects the ML and DB cusps
More first molar… Facial CE line has depth of curvature towards mesial* Two prominent cusps: MB and ML (largest) Facial groove more distally located Mesial marginal ridge prominent Transverse ridge connects the MB and ML cusps DL cusp greatly diminished Three fossae/pits: mesial>central>distal
Still more first molar… ML cusp longer/sharper than MB cusp Roots are slender and flared No root trunk (or very short) Three roots (largest to smallest): L, MB, DB
Maxillary Second Molar Larger in all dimensions than maxillary primary first molar Root divergence is greatest of all primary molars* Closely resembles permanent maxillary first molar* Cusp of Carabelli present
Mandibular Primary Teeth
Mandibular Central Incisor Crown is symmetrical: M and D outlines evenly convex Straight incisal edge, sharp incisal corners No mamelons Cingulum more prominent Marginal ridges and lingual fossa less prominent
Mandibular central... Incisal edge in line with root center* (proximal view) Root apex curves facially M-D > F-L dimension Lingual CE line located more apically
Mandibular Lateral Incisor Similar to primary central except: Not as symmetrical Incisal edge slopes distally DI corner more rounded, slight twist to lingual Cingulum bulges towards distal
Mandibular lateral... Marginal ridges more prominent, deeper fossa than central Incisal edge also in line with root center (proximal view) Root apex has a distal as well as a facial inclination CE line more apical on lingual
Mandibular Canine Longest mandibular primary root* Similar to maxillary canine except: Much narrower F-L M-D narrower than I-C width Sharper cusp tip M cusp ridge shorter than D cusp ridge Lingual anatomy less prominent
Mandibular First Molar Crown is unlike any other primary or permanent tooth* Wider M-D than F-L O-C dimension greater on mesial than distal Two roots, M and D (mesial much longer and wider) F and L root surfaces almost parallel
More first molar… Prominent mesial marginal ridge Facial CE line off-set to mesial Prominent facial cervical ridge with MB bulge Four cusps: MB, ML, DB, DL (largest to smallest) Mesial crown outline straight* Mesial HOC more cervical than distal*
Still more first molar… Prominent mesial transverse ridge* Three fossae: mesial, central, distal (?) Two pits: mesial and central No distal pit* Distal of occlusal table wider than mesial* Occlusal table is narrowest of all molars Prominent MB bulge
Mandibular Second Molar Closely resembles permanent mandibular first molar except: All three facial cusps more similar in size* Occlusal table narrower F-L M root much longer and wider than D root Very little root trunk F and L surfaces of M root nearly parallel