Purpose Etiquette What is a Seminar Series?
Sabbath, September 7 Session 1- 1:30-2:20pm- Israel- What Do We Hope to Gain From Christian Education? Session 2- 2:30-3:20pm- Calvin- The Student & Teacher in the Sabbath School Setting Session 3- 3:30-4:20pm- Kevin- Tips for Teaching from the Quarterly Sunday, September 8 Session 4- 1:30-2:20pm- Troy- The Necessity of Bible Teaching for the Church Session 5- 2:30-3:20pm- Israel- Different Students- Different Needs Session 6- 3:30-4:20pm- Israel- How Education Helps Christians Grow Seminar Series Schedule
What Do We Hope to Gain From Christian Education? Presenter: Israel Steinmetz
What is Christian Education? Why Christian Education? What Forms Does Christian Education Take in the Local Church? What Are the Desired Outcomes of Christian Education? Conclusion Presentation Outline
What is education? A systematic process of teaching and learning Passes on knowledge from one to others Education forms people through teaching and modeling concepts, ideas, skills Education shapes the mind… Thoughts Perspectives Attitudes/Emotions The mind drives the actions What is Christian Education?
What makes education Christian? Christian education is that education which has as its focal point the God of Scripture, particularly as He is revealed in the Person of Jesus Christ. Christian education is that education which has as its goal the transformation of the human mind into the likeness of Christ so that the life of the Christian conforms to the character of Christ. Christian education is that education which has as its tools the teaching and learning mechanisms of the Body of Christ. What is Christian Education?
Why is Christian education necessary in the church? Provides a structure for the systematic discipleship of believers- Matthew 28:19-20 Provides a mechanism for conveying the apostolic faith/tradition from one generation to the next- 2 Timothy 2:2 Provides an outlet for the God-given gift of teaching- 1 Cor. 12 Provides a system for contributing to the growth and maturity of the Body- Ephesians 4 Why Christian Education?
What happens in the absence of Christian education? People come to faith in Christ, but not maturity in Christ. The faith once delivered to the saints becomes contaminated with false teaching and heresy. The Body suffers from the neglect of one of its key parts. The Body does not grow to maturity, but continues to be tossed around by every wind of doctrine (story about mother-in-law) Why Christian Education?
Sabbath School Small Groups Special Events Corporate Worship as Christian Education: Prayer Worship in Song Scripture Reading Preaching One-on-one discipleship/teaching/training What Forms Does Christian Education Take in the Local Church?
What should be happening in the life of a person who participates in Christian Education? A transformed mind… …resulting in a transformed life. Conformity to the image of Christ, rather than to the image of the world. Thinking and acting like Jesus. Evident in ongoing sanctification and effective spiritual service Evident in a life lived in love for God and others What Are the Desired Outcomes of Christian Education?
What is the impact for the Body when its members are receiving Christian education? The Body grows to maturity: In sanctification In service The Body fulfills its objective in the world: In evangelism In discipleship What Are the Desired Outcomes of Christian Education?
Review: What is Christian Education? Why Christian Education? What Forms Does Christian Education Take in the Local Church? What Are the Desired Outcomes of Christian Education? Conclusion