Please don’t touch the beads or string!!! Please don’t touch the string Please don’t touch the beads Please don’t touch the string Please don’t touch the string Please don’t touch the string Please don’t touch the string Please don’t touch the string Please don’t touch the string Please don’t touch the string Please don’t touch the string Please don’t touch the string Please don’t touch the string Please don’t touch the string Please don’t touch the string Please don’t touch the string Please don’t touch the string Please don’t touch the string Please don’t touch the string Please don’t touch the string Please don’t touch the string Please don’t touch the string Please don’t touch the string Please don’t touch the string Please don’t touch the string Please don’t touch the string Please don’t touch the string Please don’t touch the beads
Understand the movement of planetary bodies. Complex Knowledge: demonstrations of learning that go aboveand above and beyond what was explicitly taught. Knowledge: meeting the learning goals and expectations. Foundational knowledge: simpler procedures, isolated details, vocabulary. Limited knowledge: know very little details but working toward a higher level. Understand how our view of the solar system has changed over time and how discoveries made have led to our changing our view of the solar system. Learn planetary characteristics such as number of moons, size, composition, type of atmosphere, gravity, temperature and surface features. Understand the movement of planetary bodies. Understand which planetary characteristics are more important than others when it relates to our understanding of other worlds. Understand how proximity to the sun influences planets. Understand the methods and tools scientists use to learn about other planets and moons in our solar system. Understand the conditions needed for a habitable world and determine if there are habitable worlds in our solar system or outside the solar system. Understand how we look for and study solar systems other than our own.
If you were gone yesterday You need to come in before or after school to make up the activity
DISTANCE astronomical unit (AU): a unit of length equal to about 149,600,000 kilometers, 93million miles, or approximately the mean Earth–Sun distance. *complete the activity with your group to make a scale model of the solar system for distance.
Please, Please, Please! String Please unwind, don’t just pull it off the cardboard No Tight Knots Please get beads back into the cups Please carefully rewind the string on cardboard If I have to replace your string because of a knot, it’s -10%
Solar system beads Planet Beads (11 colors) Five meters of string Materials Procedure Planet Beads (11 colors) cup Five meters of string Small piece of cardboard Meter Stick Student Calculation Table Brain Convert the various AU distances to cm and complete the chart Choose which colors will stand for which planets Carefully unwind string Using calculated distances, tie the bead onto the string (you need to figure out what the best way to do this is, but no tight knots!) When finished, take a picture Do extension 1 and 3 Remove beads and carefully rewind the string. Answer questions on Google Classroom YOU WILL HAVE TO WORK QUICKLY!!
Complete extensions on google classroom Extension 1: You can add "dwarf planet" Pluto’s nearest and most distant points to illustrate that Pluto’s orbit is much different than the eight major planets. Place marks on your string for Pluto’s closest and farthest point. Pluto (closest) : 29.7AU Pluto (average): 39.5AU *already marked with bead Pluto (most distant) : 49.3AU What did you notice? Extension 2: Consider that if you were traveling at the speed of light, it would take 8 minutes and 19 seconds (8.3minutes) to travel from the sun to the Earth (1 AU). calculate the light-time from the sun to each planet. Extension 3: The Voyager spacecraft are the most distant human-made objects. Launched in 1977, the mission flew by all four of the Jovian planets -- Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune (only Voyager 2 flew past Uranus and Neptune) -- and kept on going. As of this morning Voyager 1 was 137.8 AU from the sun. How many centimeters away from the sun would voyager be on your model? Use your meter stick to measure the distance (obviously, you don’t have enough string, but if you did, measure how far it would be.)
Extensions – on google classroom Extention 1: Pluto- What did you notice? Extention 3: Voyager – where is it? Extention 2: Planet Light minutes Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto * Pluto (closest) 29.7AU __ cm Pluto (average) 39.5AU Pluto (most distant) 49.3AU
Answer these on google classroom What is the most striking difference that you see between the 2 groups of planets? (the 2 you read about yesterday) Of the groups you just made a table about , what are two characteristics that describe the group Earth belongs to? Two characteristics that describe the group Earth doesn’t belong to? Which group does Pluto seem to belong in?
Solar system beads Planet Beads (11 colors) Five meters of string Materials Procedure Planet Beads (11 colors) cup Five meters of string Small piece of cardboard Meter Stick Student Calculation Table Brain Convert the various AU distances to cm and complete the chart Choose which colors will stand for which planets Carefully unwind string Using calculated distances, tie the bead onto the string (you need to figure out how the best way to do this is, but no tight knots!) When finished, take a picture Do extension 1 and 3 Remove beads and carefully rewind the string. Answer questions on Google Classroom YOU WILL HAVE TO WORK QUICKLY!!