Travel to Royal Surrey County Hospital National Co-ordinating Centre for the Physics of Mammography (NCCPM), Guildford, UK
Travel Travel guidance May offer alternative routes Airports Fly to London Wide range airlines including low cost Check airport location relative to Guildford Trains Driving Map (last page) Online maps use postcode: GU2 7XX
Airports: public transport Best: Gatwick Airport Train from Gatwick to Guildford (may need to change in Redhill) £12.60 (before 9.30), £17.10 (after 9:30) not via Clapham Junction (one way) Good: Heathrow Airport Airbus to Woking, £10.50 single, every 30 mins. Then train to Guildford £3.90, very frequent More difficult: Luton, Stansted, City airports Train(s)/Tube to Waterloo
Taxi from airports Prices from airports must book at least 24 hours before flight e.g. GM cars +44(0)1483-566 566 Gatwick: From £45 Heathrow: From £40 Stansted airport: from £145 Luton airport: from £92 Much more expensive Calling a taxi from the airport Taxi rank at airport
Train Times/price: Travel to Guildford main station Not London Road Guildford Train from Waterloo Choose trains via Woking Others are very slow (but not cheaper) £13.80 single
Eurostar Trains direct from Brussels, Paris, Lille & Disneyland to London St Pancras Tube to Waterloo from St Pancras Piccadilly line (dark blue - west) Change at Leicester Square To Northern Line (black - south) to Waterloo
Bus from Guildford rail station to Hospital Leave via rear entrance of station Go upstairs from platform, turn left If arrive at platform 1: turn right at top of stairs Cross road to bus stop Bus ‘5’ or ‘A’ are the best (all other buses go opposite Tesco, near the hospital) Ask for ticket to Hospital Second stop after large roundabout Single: ~£1.20; Return ~£2.00
Taxi from rail station Exit via the front entrance Taxi rank is on left Exit via rear entrance Mini-cab office can call for a taxi
Driving We drive on left side of road! No provision for parking Contact Alistair for advice Arrive on dual carriage way ‘A3’ (see map) Turn off for University / Hospital Follow signs for Hospital Straight on at traffic lights At small roundabout turn right Turn right into Stirling Road (5th on left)
Map From London EUtempe Bus stop From Portsmouth