This is fat Jeffery. He is a couch potato but recently he hasn’t been able to get a signal on his TV so he can’t be a couch potato any more!
Voice-over script The word satellite means, orbits around something. Satellites are used for communication and signals. What's interesting about them is how they get the transmissions to certain devices like GPS’s and TV’s from such distances. Satellites can only send transmissions in straight lines. When a signal is sent to a satellite and received it transponders it witch changes the frequency and amplifies it.
Dumping ground Transponder Transmitter responder
Fat Jeffery
Fat Jeffery
Fat Jeffery
Now Jeffery can be a couch potato!
Fat Jeffery
Fat Jeffery
Fat Jeffery
Fat Jeffery
Fat Jeffery
Fat Jeffery
Fat Jeffery
Fat Jeffery
Fat Jeffery
Fat Jeffery