Smart Energy Opportunities “Enabling a Low-Carbon Economy” It’s all about delivering information enabled energy
Key Points for Today Why Am I Telling You This? Utilities Facing the most Significant Overhaul Since De-Regulation Caused by the Global Phenomenon of Sustainability and Smart Government is Committed to Creating a Low-Carbon Economy Utilities World-Wide are Preparing For Major Change Global Demand for Smart Enabled Transformation The “Smart “ Phenomenon is Beyond Meters Why Am I Telling You This? Between now and 2020 every home in Great Britain will be converted to Smart Gas and Electricity Meters Lots of interest in creating opportunities for SMEs in Smart Energy Could SyncHerts be more than the sum of it parts?
Energy use per person in UK Source – Energy Technologies Institute
Potential Change to Domestic Electricity Demand Source – Electricity North West
Smart Grids and Smart Cities Source – Navigant Research
The Smart Home Source – Hope Microelectronics
Energy Systems Catapult UK Innovation Landscape Energy Systems Catapult Source – Innovate UK Technology Strategy Board