Vision Sunday - 2019 AGENDA Accomplishments and Priorities Budget / Giving Update Q&A Prayer 3/31/19 1Q Quarterly Update
Exposing & Experiencing the Gospel Visibility 1Q Accomplishments Shepherd Leader Training (started) Church Life Flocknote (deployed & growing) Treasurer in place John 13:35 HopeKids Director in place Community is the final apologetic. Francis Schaeffer New members Community Bridge Building (started) Deploy Accounting system (4/1/19) What’s Next Engagement Deploy accounting procedures Develop Men’s Ministry On-ramps Finish website content population Launch Lunch-Host program Church directory More Community Bridge Building Plan Summer/Fall events 3/31/19 1Q Quarterly Update
‘19 Budgets Expense Budget Giving Target Preliminary budget (January) $196,869 Cover expenses $203,257 Benevolence giving 2,500 Use ‘18 cash balance -54,000 Space rental 2,000 Admin salary 2,000 Keep a $10k buffer 10,000 Trimming -112 Final ‘19 expense budget $203,257 Target $159,257 3/31/19 1Q Quarterly Update
2019 January Vision Meeting ‘19 YTD Giving Giving is a serious concern: possibly a result of strong year-end giving. 1/27/19 2019 January Vision Meeting
We must show greater self-sufficiency before hoping for external help. ‘19 Financial Monthly Giving Trajectories Bank Account $54,000 $ 16,938 Stretch goal $ 7,672 $ 15,647 Current monthly giving 1/28/18 Giving analysis for ‘19 $26,203 $ 13,271 ’19 Must hit target $10,000 Buffer Months 3 6 9 12 We must show greater self-sufficiency before hoping for external help. 3/31/19 1Q Quarterly Update