Headteacher’s report General updates
NOR 45 children have been allocated places for September Year R becoming Year 1 set to be 58 Year 1 becoming Year 2 set to be 59 Predicted Autumn Nursery numbers- 24
Implications for NOR The low early years numbers mean we will have to look carefully at staffing in the early years unit. There may be a need to look at closer working practices between Nursery and Year R with some sharing of staff. We also need to decide on the offer we will make to Nursery families who may qualify for the 30 hours free Nursery places which will be statutory in September. This could mean that many of the children starting Nursery in September could be able to attend full time not just for half days, this also means the school receiving funding for 30 hours not just 15.
Staffing structure An internal job opportunity was advertised and Mrs Helen Stubbs (currently an NQT on a fixed term contract) was interviewed and was successful in being given a permanent contract for full time class teacher. Now the numbers are known for Year R September 2017 the staffing structure is being discussed. This will be presented to Governors in May alongside the school budget.
Teaching and Learning Handbook Teaching staff, office staff and lunchtime staff have been given the teaching and learning handbook section 2 (professionalism and working practices) to review Staff have been asked to comment on any aspects they feel are not possible to uphold in current form, questions, suggestions or omissions and also more importantly to sign to say they agree to uphold the principles to the best of their ability. The handbook is also included for Governors to consider and at the meeting will be asked to sign also. Please read from page 19 to the end.
Curriculum leadership Summer 1 staff meetings and the May day closure have been given over to curriculum leadership. At each staff meeting a core subject leader will present essential messages or CPD as follows:- April 25th- Maths; May 9th- English; May 16th- Science; May 23rd – Computing At the day closure May 4th other curriculum area leaders will also lead a short CPD session around their area Governors are invited to attend any of these staff meetings or the Inset day
Curriculum leadership cont.. SLT have been working on a document which sets out the expectations for Curriculum leadership It details actions and activities that a leader needs to complete and also sets out the expectation for when this may take place over the course of a year This has not yet been shared with all staff but is included for Governors to see in its first draft
Transition A full transition programme is currently being finalised and will be presented to Governors at the meeting. I am currently meeting with the interim Headteacher of the Junior School to agree the activities for Year 2 transferring to Year 3. As previously documented this cohort has many needs and so the transition needs to ensure that the junior School are fully prepared to meet these needs through a careful transition programme. The transition activities for the new year R children in unlikely to change much this year but key dates needs to be agreed. Similarly we intend to build on internal transition activities used in previous years. The final plans are dependent on key dates agreed with the Junior School as well as the staffing structure for September 2017 still to be agreed.