Headteacher’s report Progress and data
Targets- set in Autumn 2017 for end of year Early Years Year 2 GLD 66-75% Reading 70-78% 75-80% Writing 60-65% 65-70% Maths 72-80%
Current picture in year R- to be securely on track for GLD children should be 40-60W+ now- Some in 40-60w are close to
Breakdown of groups for Specific areas
Actions taken Actions agreed at Pupil Progress meetings are:- A restructure of phonics groups to target the children not making enough progress in reading Reading groups across the cohort to better target similar groups of children Specific activities and intervention groups for fine motor skills to aid writing A change to the way writing is planned to include more opportunities for writing in a guided setting and at different times of the day
Current attainment- Year 2 2w+ securely on track- 2w close to
Showing a gender gap of Reading- 12% compared to a gap of 26% in Feb
Writing- 21% compared to 26%
maths- 7% compared to 8% in Feb
Actions agreed at PPMs Reading:- Continue emphasis on comprehension activities Writing:- Target close to pupils for more guided sessions with Teacher to target specific gaps Continue to use slow writing approach- increase amount used Continue target intervention groups with LSAs for spelling, handwriting and making sense Maths:- Continue to target ARE but plan for activities to allow for Greater depth
Progress data The following information shows the progress that has been made by pupils, showing specific groups This shows that even though there is still a gender gap it is being closed with boys making at least the same progress than girls in many areas in both year groups and in some cases better progress Some vulnerable groups are also making better progress in each year group
Progress between terms in Year R
Progress between terms in Year 2