Structure of Prokaryotes Filename: Prokar.ppt Hugh B. Fackrell
PresentationOutline Systematics Bacterial size Shape Cell Envelope Spores Flagella Background terms and concepts Proteins Membranes Formation of lipid bilayers Prokaryotes Prokaryotes vs eukaryotes Evolution of eukaryotes
Empires Level of organization above the kingdom level Archaea (formerly Archaebacteria) Bacteria ( formerly Eubacteria) Eucarya (plants, animals, protista, fungi)
Three Empires Fossil Record & Morphology Cellular Five Kingdoms- plants, animals, protistia, fungi , prokaryotes Prokaryotes - Eubacteria, Archeobacteria Cellular Three kingdoms, Eubacteria, Archaebacteria, Eukaryotes
Bacterial Size Cell Smallest Average Largest Bacterial 0.1m 1-2 m 0.9 mm Animal 1m 5- 20m 10 m Plant 1m 50m ?
How does solve diffusion problems? Colossus 0.5-0.9 mm visibile to naked eye Symbiant in gut of surgeonfish Epulopiscium fishelsoni How does solve diffusion problems?
Bacterial Fossils 3.7 BY
Gold deposited by Bacteria
Bacteria in clusters
Bacterial Sell Structure
Gram Positive Cells
Gram Negative Cells
Bacterial Cell Walls
Bacterial Wall [detail]
Gram Negative cell wall
Isolated Murein Layer
After Peptidase hydrolysis
Lysozyme cleavage of Murein
Archaea: Cell Membranes lack fatty acids contain ethers gylcerol diethers , bilayers Tetraethers form monolayers Fixed number of carbons in hydrocarbons flexibility via pentacylic rings Large amounts of nonpolar lipids isoprenoids eg squalene
Archaea: Cell Walls NO muramic acid NO D amino acids pseudopeptidoglycan (Methanobacterium) N acetyltalosaminuronic acid glycoprotein (Halobacterium) highly negative charge balances positive charges of sodium Protein
Archaea: Genetics Half size of bacterial genomes 1900 KB vs 4700 KB (E coli) Bacterial Similarities Polygenic mRNA Shine-Dalgarno sequences for ribosome binding Eucarya Similarities RNA polymerase II
Bacterial Endopsore
Magnetic Bacterium
Bacterial Flagellum
Summary Simple cells Single circular chromosome 1-2 microns in size few internal compartments or organelles Complex Cell Wall common Cell wall unique