Bushra S. Rana et al. JIMG 2010;3:749-760 90° TEE View Illustrating a Tractlike PFO Red arrows indicate the tractlike patent foramen ovale. Contrast was seen to transverse through the tract confirming its presence. Long tunnels on echocardiograms do usually correspond with longer balloon tracts. A device with a variable waist device, such as Premere PFO Closure System (St. Jude's Medical, St. Paul, Minnesota), is well suited to closure of a long tunnel PFO. Other strategies include balloon modification of the tunnel length and using a strong device that can effectively concertina the tunnel to close the PFO. Abbreviations as in Figures 1 and 2. Bushra S. Rana et al. JIMG 2010;3:749-760 American College of Cardiology Foundation