Activity: Twins
How might the twins grow up differently? Discuss the statistics and consider these questions: How might the twins grow up differently? What might their futures look like? How might their futures be different?
Beyond... Work Beyond… School
Beyond... Work Beyond… School Maths, Physics, Business Studies and P.E. are some of the 10 most popular A-Level studies for boys. (DfE, 2007.) English, Psychology, and Art and Design are some of the 10 most popular A-Level choices for girls. (DfE, 2007.)
Beyond... Work Beyond… School 37% of girls at mixed sex secondary schools have experienced sexual harassment. (UK Feminista, 2017.)
Beyond... Work Beyond… School Women are more likely to be in work or further study after university than men. (DfE, 2018.) Girls are performing better in all subjects at school and are more likely to go on to study at university. (York Uni, 2007.)
Beyond... Work Beyond… School One year after graduating, the average salary for women is 9% less than the average salary for men. (DfE, 2018.) This ‘pay gap’ widens over time. 10 years after graduating, men earn 30% more than women. (DfE, 2018.)
Beyond... Work Beyond… School Women earn 18% less on average than men in the UK. (Full Fact, 2018.) 1-in-2 women have experienced sexual harassment (unwanted touching, flirting, jokes, etc.) at work. (Trades Union Congress, 2016.)
Beyond... Work Beyond… School 76% of senior management jobs around the world are performed by men. (Grant Thornton, 2016.) 33% of businesses around the world have no women in senior management jobs. (Grant Thornton, 2016.)
Beyond... Work Beyond… School 95% of prisoners in the UK are men. (Statista, 2017.) Three quarters of suicides in 2016 were male. Suicide is the biggest killer of men under 50 years old in the UK. (Samaritans, 2015/16.)