Richmond Centre Federal District Poverty Rate for Children in Couple Families Poverty Rate for Children in Lone-Parent Families Poverty Rate for all Residents Poverty Rate for all Children Read the full report at
Richmond Centre Federal District Federal Riding Highlights from the 2018 BC Child Poverty Report Card In the Richmond Centre riding, 4,450 children are living in poverty: close to one in three children. Nearly one in four children in two-parent families lives in poverty which is nearly twice the provincial average and the highest rate out of all of the federal ridings in BC for couple-parent families. Child poverty rates for children in lone-parent families are more than double the rates of those in couple-parent families. Richmond Centre Federal District 51% poverty rate for children in lone-parent families 4,450 children living in poverty 24% poverty rate for children in couple families 29% of all residents live in poverty 28% of all children live in poverty Read the full report at