Logistics at Odell House Certificate Program in Leading People for Results Logistics at Odell House
Odell Team Contacts Liseanne Forand Gerry Thom Program Director Lforand@uOttawa.ca Gerry Thom Program Director Gthom@uOttawa.ca William Pullen Senior Fellow William.Pullen@uOttawa.ca Julie Chabot Manager, Strategic Development, Partnerships and Operations Julie.Chabot@uOttawa.ca Administrative Assistant
Communication We send emails directly to you Emails DocuShare sent at least 10 days before session with message from Program Director (please read) and link to related documents in DocuShare DocuShare All documents in preparation for the sessions are uploaded to DocuShare in folder Cohort 2: Agenda, Readings, Bios, Presentations Feel free to share documents with your assistants We are trying to limit paper copies – so ple
Communication cont’d Attendance Please send an email directly to Gerry (Gthom@uOttawa.ca) and the Administrative Assistant if you are unable to attend a session
Communication cont’d Change job or contact information Please send an email if you are changing jobs and/or your contact information changes
Invoicing Default: one invoice for full amount ($9500+ HST) sent in Oct 2018 and due by April 30, 2018 If preferred, invoice for tuition fee can be sent in two equal installments: 1st installment sent in Oct. 2018, due Jan 3rd, 2019 2nd installment sent in Jan 2019, due by April 30, 2019 We accept Credit Cards, Direct Deposit or cheque We send the invoice directly to you – please forward it to the appropriate person/branch in your department
Travel We will provide the following key travel documents as early as possible: Rationale for Study Tour & estimate of costs Group block reservation at hotel Program agenda with detailed info – speakers, addresses, etc… Participants are responsible for: Booking your own flights/transportation Calling in and reserving hotel room under block reservation All meals and taxis
Logistics at Odell House Food Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner are provided during regular sessions WiFi Network: Eduroam username: SCSVisit password: Ottawa2018 Bathrooms Heating & Cooling Parking Dishes and recycling Food: - Regular session: - Dinner around 17:45-6 pm, Breakfast 8.15-8.45, Lunch 12-1.30 Please let us know about your allergies, or dietary restrictions so that we can plan ahead togther with the caterer Feedback from previous cohorts very positive regarding the food, but please let us know about your experience WIFI If you would like to connect your laptop, phone or tablet to our wireless network, please use the following Network etc. Bathrooms We only have 2…. Heating and Cooling Old house, hard to regulate temperature. Please bring a sweater in the winter Parking